On the afternoon of February 22, 2021, the General Statistics Office (GSO) cooperated with the Embassy of Denmark to organize a workshop on the development orientation of social and environmental statistics in Vietnam by 2045. Ms. Nguyen Thi Huong, The Director General of GSO chaired the workshop. Attending the seminar were Mr. Pham Quang Vinh, Deputy General Director of the GSO; Mr. Nguyen Trung Tien, Deputy Director General of the GSO; representatives of leaders, specialists of Departments under GSO, Departments under relevant Ministries; representatives of international organizations in Vietnam: World Health Organization, GIZ representative office in Hanoi, United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Children’s Fund; experts conecting online from the Statistics Denmark and other international organizations.
Speaking at the opening of the Workshop, Director General Nguyen Thi Huong said that the need for social and environmental statistics has rapidly increased in recent years, showing an increasing interest in social phenomena and environmental issues. Social and environmental statistics involve all steps in the process of producing statistical information, covering all activities of producing statistical information.
Dividing the boundaries between economic statistics activities and social, environmental statistical activities is very difficult because most statistics in these fields are interrelated. However, it is still necessary to evaluate clearly and separately, at the same time consider the relationship of mutual impact and the overall relationship between economic, social and environmental indicators. Currently, GSO has been developing the Vietnam Statistical Development Strategy for the period 2021-2030, vision to 2045. On the roadmap for building a new stage strategy, it is very important to study world trends and identify the main directions in the Vietnamese statistical development strategy for the next stage, especially in the field of social and environmental statistics. The DirectorGeneral hopes to receive comments from delegates and experts in the workshop, thereby helping the GSO successfully build the Vietnam statistical strategy for the period 2021-2030 and vision to 2045.
The workshop focused on the following main contents: (1) Development tendency of the world statistics in the field of social and environmental statistics, the experience of the Statistics Denmark, presented by Mr. Niels Plough, Director of Social Statistics, the Statistics Denmark and Ms. Charlotte Juul Hansen, Chief Adviser, International Consulting; (2) Development orientation of social and environmental statistics in Viet Nam by 2045 presented by Mr. Nguyen Phong, National expert; (3) Other issues such as approach, main solutions, implementation organization were also considered to ensure the feasibility of main directions.
At the workshop, participants focused on discussing the data approach implemented by Denmark Statistics and considering the feasibility of applying in Vietnam.
At the end of the workshop, Director General Nguyen Thi Huong expressed his thanks to the Embassy of Denmark and international organizations for successfully co-organizing the workshop. The Director General emphasized several works to focus on in the coming time: (1) Building and consolidating the National Statistical Information System in the direction of exploiting the administrative records; (2) Strengthen data sharing, ensure safety and security; (3) Building the criteria to improve the inspection, evaluation and analysis of data for building and compiling statistical indicators and reports. The Director General believes that the opinions of the workshop participants and experts will be very useful for GSO in statistical activities as well as in building statistical strategies.