On 04-05 June, 2020, the General Statistics Office (GSO) held the training conference on the mid-term rural and agricultural survey 2020 directly at GSO’s headquarter and it was connected with 63 online bridgeheads at provincial statistical offices of 63 provinces and centrally-run cities. Attending this Conference were Ms. Nguyen Thi Huong, Deputy Director General in charge of GSO; Mr. Pham Quang Vinh, Deputy Director General of GSO; representatives of leadership and specialists of relevant units under GSO; representatives of units under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD); leaders of provincial statistical offices, working groups at provincial level, survey supervisors and specialists of provincial statistical offices at online bridgeheads of 63 provinces and centrally-run cities.
The mid-term rural and agricultural survey is included in the National Statistical Survey Program and a large-scale sampling survey conducted nationwide at the time between two periods of the rural and agricultural census on a ten year basis. The 2020 survey is the first mid-term rural and agricultural survey to be implemented. This survey has many new features compared to the previous Rural, Agricultural and Fishery Censuses in terms of scope, content, organization of implementation, especially the thorough application of information technology in all stages of the survey. Professional training at the central and provincial levels is very important for the successful implementation of the survey.
In her opening remarks, Ms. Nguyen Thi Huong, Deputy Director General in charge of GSO stressed: “To successfully implement the mid-term rural and agricultural survey 2020, besides the organization of professional training for all levels, it is necessary to have the coordination among relevant sectors at the central and local levels, especially the agricultural and rural development sector in the survey’s process of implementation. The GSO is looking forward to the close cooperation of MARD, Departments of Agriculture and Rural Development of provinces and centrally-run cities, and related units to successfully implement this survey.”