8 March 2005, the General Statistics Office organized a dissemination workshop on the results of the Population Change Survey which was carried out on 1 April 2004. Some results of the survey were announed: Fertility, Mortality, Internal migration…

The 2004 survey produces additional estimates of fertility, mortality, and growth rates. and places them along a continuing trend of gentle decline.  Fertility and mortality decline are longstanding in Viet Nam, and are now being consolidated.  We have no reason to believe that further declines in fertility and mortality will not continue in the future.

Fore more detailed information about this survey, please do not hesitate to contact the Department of Population and Labour Statistics

The General Statistics Office:

No. 2 Hoang Van Thu, Hanoi Vietnam

Tel:       04. 8230100

Fax:      04. 7339287

E-mail:  dansolaodong@gso.gov.vn