Publication archive
Statiscal Yearbook of Vietnam 2013
The Statistical Yearbook is an annual publication by the General Statistics Office
Date of issue: 28/06/2014Reference period: 2013
Foreign direct investment enterprises in the period of 2006-2011
The publication provides basic information reflecting the development of FDI enterprises 2006-2011 has been compiled from the results of the annual enterprise survey by the General Statistics Office (GSO).
Date of issue: 12/06/2014Reference period: 2006-2011
Non-farm individual business establisments 2007-2012
The publication “Non-farm individual business establishments in five years 2007-2012” is one of these monographs on The 2012 Establishment Census. The publication includes an overview
Date of issue: 12/06/2014Reference period: 2007-2012
Results of the 2012 establishment census
The fourth Establishment Census 2012 was conducted in accordance with the Decision No.1271/QD-TTg dated 27 July 2011 of the Prime Minister on 1 April 2012.
Date of issue: 06/09/2013Reference period: 2012
Development of Vietnam enterprises in the period of 2006-2011
The publication based on the results of annual enterprise surveys from 2006 to 2011
Date of issue: 06/09/2013Reference period: 2006-2011