Measurement of sustainable development goals – indicator 2.4.1 on “Proportion of agricultural area under productive and sustainable agriculture” is integrated in the 2020 Mid-term Rural and Agricultural Survey. This is the first time General Statistics Office (GSO) has surveyed, calculated, and announced the results of SDG indicator 2.4.1. Viet Nam is one of the first countries in the world to publish publications on SDG indicator 2.4.1. Viet Nam plans to add SDG indicator 2.4.1 to the Viet Nam National Statistical Indicator System with the evaluation cycle of every 5 years. This is also an effort of the Statistics Sector in particular and

Viet Nam in general in monitoring sustainable development goals set by the United Nations. Information on SDG indicator 2.4.1 was collected by GSO in 2020 right after FAO finalized the methodology in 2019. The number of samples used to calculate this indicator is 33,376 households, corresponding to an agricultural production land area of 22,214.88 hectares.

The results of SDG indicator 2.4.1 show that promoting sustainable agricultural development in Viet Nam is necessary and urgent for a green, responsible agriculture, ensuring increased economic value and improved livelihoods for farmers and solving environmental problems, climate change, social security with the key as development of circular agriculture, organic agriculture, inclusive ecological agriculture…

GSO hopes this publication will meet the information needs for monitoring, management, direction, administration, planning, policy making, research, project development, and implementation of action plans for governments, localities, domestic and international organizations, and individuals, as well as suggest practical solutions to accelerate the progress of implementation of sustainable development goals. In addition, GSO also looks forward to receiving valuable comments from readers to continuously finalize and improve the methodology and data quality as well.

The status of wastewater treatment and environmental protection in Vietnam and lessons from Denmark

In the context of increasing industrialization and modernization, Vietnam is committed to implementing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in which protecting water resources and the environment is a top priority, especially wastewater treatment, which has become a major challenge. (14/01/2025)

Press conference to announce socio-economic statistics fourth quarter and 2022

On the morning of December 29, 2022, the General Statistics Office (GSO) held a press conference to announce the socio-economic statistics of the fourth quarter and 2022. Ms. Nguyen Thi Huong, General Director of the General Statistics Office chaired conference. At the press conference, Ms. Nguyen Thi Huong announced the basic issues about the socio-economic situation of Vietnam in the fourth quarter and 2022. (29/12/2022)

2023 IAOS Prize for Young Statisticians

The International Association for Official Statistics (IAOS) is pleased to announce the launch of the 2023 IAOS Young Statisticians Prize. This international prize encourages young statisticians to take an active interest in official statistics and is awarded for the best paper in the field of official statistics written by a young statistician. (18/11/2022)

Action plan on Central Highlands development issued

VGP - The Government has recently issued Resolution 152/NQ-CP (Resolution 152) approving an action plan to implement Resolution 23-NQ-TW of the Poliburo on the orientations for socio-economic development and defence-security safeguarding in the Central Highlands by 2030 with a vision towards 2045. (16/11/2022)

Three Vietnamese seaports among TOP 100 largest container ports worldwide

VGP - Viet Nam has three seaports in the top 50 seaports with the largest cargo throughput in the world, according to the latest update to the list of 100 seaports by Lloyd Maritime Company (UK). (14/11/2022)

Vietnam’s GDP revision poses no change to short-term state budgetary strategy

The Ministry of Finance is using the current data for the 5-10 year national financial plans. (29/10/2019)

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