1. Gross domestic product growth rate

Gross domestic product (GDP) in the fourth quarter of 2022 was estimated to increase by 5.92% over the same period last year, although higher than the growth rate of 4.7% and 5.17% of the same period in 2020 and 2021, but lower than the growth rate of the fourth quarter of the years 2011-2019[1]. Of which, agriculture, forestry, and fishery increased by 3.85%; the industry and construction sectors increased by 4.22%; the service sector increased by 8.12%. Regarding GDP used in the fourth quarter of 2022, final consumption increased by 7.12 over the same period last year, contributing 82.6% to the overall growth rate; accumulated assets increased by 5.61%, contributing 43.78 exports of goods and services decreased by 6.14%; imports of goods and services decreased by 4.83%; the difference between import and export of goods and services reduced by 26.38%.

GDP in 2022 was estimated to increase by 8,02%[2] compared to the previous year, achieving the highest increase in the period 2011-2022[3] due to the economic recovery. Of the increase in the total added value of the whole economy, the agriculture, forestry, and fishery sector increased by 3.36%, contributing 5.11%; the industry and construction sector increased by 7.78%, contributing 38.24%; the service sector increased by 9.99%, contributing 56.65%.

The agriculture, forestry, and fishery sector continue to play a supporting role of the economy, in which the output of the number of perennial industrial crops has increased, livestock production has grown steadily, and the export of agricultural products has achieved impressive results by improving product quality, promoting trade promotion and diversifying export markets. The agricultural sector increased by 2.88%, contributing 0.27 percentage points to the growth rate of the total added value of the whole economy; forestry increased by 6.13%, contributing 0.03 percentage points; the fisheries sector increased by 4.43%, contributing 0.12 percentage points.

In the industrial and construction sectors, businesses have been more proactive in terms of labor and production and business plans, overcoming difficulties to recover and expand production. The processing and manufacturing industry continued to be the growth engine of the whole economy with an increase of 8.10%, contributing 2.09 percentage points to the growth rate of the total added value of the whole economy. Water supply, management, and treatment of waste and wastewater increased by 7.45%, contributing 0.04% percentage points. Electricity production and distribution increased by 7.05%, contributing 0.26 percentage points. The mining industry increased by 5.19%, contributing 0.17 percentage points. The construction industry increased by 8.17%, contributing 0.59 percentage points.

The service sector recovered and grew stronger with the growth rate in 2022 reaching 9.99%, the highest in the period 2011-2022[4]. Some market service industries increased sharply, contributing much to the growth rate of the total added value of the whole economy as follows: Wholesale and retail increased by 10.15% compared to last year, contributing 0.97 percentage points; transportation and warehousing increased by 11.93%, contributing 0.69 percentage points; the accommodation and food service sector had the highest increase in the service sector[5] with an increase of 40.61%, contributing 0.79 percentage points; financial, banking and insurance activities increased by 9.03%, contributing 0.53 percentage points; information and communication industry increased by 7.80%, contributing 0.5 percentage points. Particularly, the health sector and social assistance activities decreased by 7.6%, down 0.13 percentage points because the Covid-19 epidemic was under control[6] so spending on disease prevention and control decreased compared to 2021.

Regarding the economic structure in 2022, the agriculture, forestry, and fishery sector accounted for 11.88%; industry and construction accounted for 38.26%; the service sector accounted for 41.33%; product tax minus product subsidies accounted for 8.53%.

Regarding GDP use in 2022, final consumption increased by 7.18% compared to 2021, contributing 49.32% to the overall growth rate; accumulated assets increased by 5.75%, contributing 22,59%; exports of goods and services increased by 4.86%; imports of goods and services increased by 2.16%; the difference between import and export of goods and services contributed 28.09%.

GDP scale at current prices in 2022 was estimated to reach 9,513.3 million billion VND, equivalent to 409 billion USD[7]. GDP per capita in 2022 at current prices was estimated at 95.6 million VND/person, equivalent to 4.110 USD, up 393 USD compared to 2021. Labor productivity of the whole economy in 2022 at current prices was estimated at 188.1 million VND/ employee (equivalent to 8.083 USD/employee, up 622 USD compared to 2021). At constant prices, labor productivity in 2022 was up 4.8%[8] due to improved qualifications of workers (the proportion of trained workers with diplomas and certificates in 2022 reached 26.2%, higher than 0.1 percentage points compared to 2021).

2. Agriculture, forestry, and fishery

Agriculture, forestry, and fishery production in 2022 maintained stable growth and kept the role of supporting the economy. The output of some perennial crops mainly increased compared to the previous year; diseases in livestock and poultry are controlled; logging activities are actively implemented. Aquaculture has developed quite well due to the increase in demand and export prices of key aquatic products such as pangasius and farmed shrimp; however, marine fishing faces many difficulties due to high fuel prices.

a) Agriculture

The rice area in 2022 was estimated at 7.1 million hectares, down 127.7 thousand hectares compared to the previous year because the cropping industry continues to implement the Scheme on restructuring the sector, converting inefficient or not enough the water source to grow vegetables, crops, fruit trees or combine with aquaculture for higher economic efficiency. Rice yield was estimated at 60.2 quintals/ha, down 0.6 quintals/ha quintals/ha compared to the previous year; rice production reached 42.66 million tons, down 1.19 million tons; of which, a decrease of 0.89 million tons due to a decrease in the area of rice cultivation and a decrease of 0.3 million tons due to a decrease in yield.

Spring paddy

The production results of the whole country’s spring paddy this year decreased compared to the previous year, mainly due to a reduction in the cultivated area to switch to non-agricultural land for the process of urbanization, to switch to perennial crops or to farming, aquaculture for higher economic efficiency. The cultivated area reached 2,975.6 thousand hectares, down 30.9 thousand hectares compared to the previous year’s winter-spring crop; yield reached 67.1 quintals/ha, down 1.5 quintals/ha due to high prices of fertilizers and pesticides so farmers limited investment in care; production reached at nearly 20 million tons, down 648.5 thousand tons.

Summer-autumn paddy

The area planted for summer-autumn rice nationwide in 2022 reached 1,914.7 thousand hectares, down 38.1 thousand hectares compared to the summer-autumn crop in 2021; yield reached 56.6 quintals/ha, down 0.5 quintals/ha; production reached 10.8 million tons, down 304.3 thousand tons.

Autumn-winter paddy

The planted area of autumn-winter rice in 2022 was estimated at 648.7 thousand hectares, down 70.6 thousand hectares compared to the previous year’s autumn-winter crop; productivity reached 56 quintals/ha, an increase of 0.1 quintals/ha; production was estimated at 3.6 million tons, down 390.1 thousand tons.

Winter paddy

In this year’s winter paddy, the whole country cultivated 1,553.1 thousand hectares, an increase of 11.9 thousand hectares compared to the previous year’s crop; the yield was estimated at 52.9 quintals/ha, increasing by 0.6 quintals/ha; production was estimated at 8.2 million tons, up 151.9 thousand tons.

Although rice production in 2022 decreased compared to the previous year, it still met domestic consumption demand, ensured food security, and processed and exported. Implement the shift from rice production in breadth to depth in the direction of improving productivity, quality, efficiency, and sustainability. The model of high-quality rice cultivation has been replicated in many localities; High-quality rice areas were reorganized in production, promoting cooperation and linkage in chains to reduce costs and increase the value of stages in the production, processing, and consumption of products.

Annual crop

The planted area of some cash crops such as corn, sweet potato, groundnut, and soybean decreased compared to the previous year due to low economic efficiency, farmers narrowed production to focus on growing vegetables or switched to growing edible crops, fruit, or plants for animal feed, implementing a circular agricultural economy.

Perennial trees

In 2022, the perennial crop area was estimated at 3,712.1 thousand ha, up 0.8% so với in 2021, compared to 2021, of which industrial plants reached 2,194.3 thousand ha, down 0.4%; fruit trees reached 1,212.8 thousand hectares, up 3.5%.

In the group of industrial plants, the rubber area reached 929.5 thousand hectares, down 0.1% compared to the previous year, the output reached 1,291.5 thousand tons, up 1.5%; the coffee area reached 709.6 thousand hectares, down 0.1%, %, output reached 1,896.8 thousand tons, up 2.8%; tea area reached 123.7 thousand hectares, up 0.9%, the output of tea buds reached 1,109.8 thousand tons, up 3.4%; cashew area reached 311.6 thousand ha, down 0.9%, output reached 335.5 thousand tons, down 16%; The area of pepper reached 119.9 thousand hectares, down 4.4%, the output reached 269.9 thousand tons, down 2.1%. The area of some perennial industrial crops decreased compared to the previous year due to high input costs, while product prices tended to decrease, some areas were old enough to be demolished but farmers had not yet replanted.

The group of fruit trees increased the area of some trees such as durian by 25.1 thousand hectares, jackfruit by 7.8 thousand hectares; guava, custard apple, and passion fruit all increased by more than 2 thousand hectares; pomelos increased by 1.8 thousand hectares because these are agricultural products with stable consumption markets and easy care, transportation, and preservation. The output of some crops was as follows: Bananas reached 2,498.7 thousand tons, up 6.5% over the previous year; oranges reached 1,713 thousand tons, up 8.2%; %; pomelo reached 1,119.3 thousand tons, up 8,2%; durian reached 849.1 thousand tons, up 25%; pineapple reached 753.2 thousand tons, up 3.7%; longan gained 623.8 thousand tons, up 2.7%; dragon fruit reached 1,207 thousand tons, down 13.5%; mango reached 968.7 thousand tons, down 3.1%.


Livestock has developed stably, epidemics are basically controlled. Local authorities and specialized agencies still need to continue to implement solutions for disease prevention and control, well-organized vaccination; monitoring, detecting, and promptly handling newly arising outbreaks; strictly handling cases of illegal transportation and trading of buffaloes and cows of unknown origin.

However, the livestock still faces difficulties due to high feed prices, especially for small-scale farmers. Breeders need to make use of available materials to partially replace the industrial feed and at the same time need to continue to promote the construction of a supply chain from farm to fork to meet market demand during Tet – Lunar New Year.

As of December 25, 2022, the whole country has no longer blue-ear disease and avian flu; foot-and-mouth disease remained Gia Lai; LSD was still in Dak Lak, Ha Tinh, Tien Giang, and African swine fever were reported in 13 localities for less than 21 days.

b) Forestry

The area of ​​newly concentrated planted forests in the fourth quarter of 2022 was estimated at 107.4 thousand hectares, up 0.9% over the same period last year; the number of scattered forest trees reached 30.7 million trees, up 5.1; firewood production was estimated at 4.7 million steres, down 0.9%; timber production reached 5,955.8 thousand m3, an increase of  8.9%. The production of timber increased sharply compared to the same period last year due to it was the age for the forest to be exploited, an increase in demand for raw materials for processing factories.

In general, in 2022, the newly concentrated planted forest area nationwide was estimated at 300.1 thousand hectares, up 3.4% over the previous year; the number of scattered planted trees reached 101.2 million trees, increasing by 5.3%; firewood production was 18.6 million steres, up 0.1%; timber production reached 19.7 million m3, up 7.2%. Provinces with high timber production compared to the previous year, such as Quang Ninh reached 736.8 thousand m3, up 33.4%; Thanh Hoa reached 830 thousand m3, up 18,8%; Quang Tri reached 1,105 thousand m3, up 17.1%; Nghe An reached 1,666.7 thousand m3, up 11%; Quang Ngai 2,302.5 thousand m3, up 7.9%.

Damaged forest area [9] in the fourth quarter of 2022 was 234 ha, down 6,7% over the same period last year, of which: burnt forest area was 217.2 ha, up 2.5%. In general, in 2022, the whole country had 1,121.9 hectares of damaged forests, down 56.9% over the previous year, of which: burned forest area was 41.4 hectares, down 97.3 the deforested forest area was 1,080.5 hectares, down 0.8%.

c) Fishery

Fishery output in the fourth quarter of 2022 was estimated at 2,426.5 thousand tons, up 2.8% over the same period last year, of which: Fish reached 1,735.7 thousand tons, up 2.9%; shrimp reached 346.9 thousand tons, up 3.4%; other aquatic products reached 343.9 thousand tons, up 2%. In general, in 2022, the fishery production was estimated at 9,026.3 thousand tons, up 2.7% compared to 2021; including Fish reached 6,483.9 thousand tons, up 2.1%; shrimp was 1,233.5 thousand tons, up 7.2%; other aquatic products reached 1,308.9 thousand tons, up 1.3%.

Aquaculture production in the fourth quarter of 2022 was estimated at 1,555.3 thousand tons, up 4.5% over the same period last year, of which: Fish reached 1,081.7 thousand tons, up 4.6%; shrimp reached 302.9 thousand tons, up 3.8%. In general, in 2022, aquaculture production was estimated at 5,163.7 thousand tons, up 6.3% over the previous year, including Fish reaching 3,494.3 thousand tons, up 5.8%; shrimp reached 1,080.6 thousand tons, up 8.5%; other aquatic products reached 588.8 thousand tons, up 5.3%.

Pangasius farming has developed quite well due to the high price of raw pangasius in the Mekong Delta region[10] because of the increase in world market demand. Pangasius production in the fourth quarter of 2022 was estimated at 453.4 thousand tons, up 5.2% over the same period last year; in general in 2022 was estimated at 1,607.9 thousand tons, up 10.2% over the previous year.

The output of brackish water shrimp grew strongly in the first 6 months of the year due to the high-tech application of the vannamei shrimp farming model bringing high economic efficiency at the same time strong growth in shrimp processing and export. However, in the last months of the year, because the brackish water in the coastal area of the Mekong Delta was fresh earlier, it made it difficult for shrimp farming. Besides, due to the risk of disease, farmers are still stocking in moderation. Shrimp processing and purchasing activities slowed down due to global inflation leading to reduced consumption. Vietnamese shrimp fiercely competed with low-priced shrimp from Ecuador and India. Vannamei shrimp output in the fourth quarter of 2022 was estimated at 210.5 thousand tons, up 5.3% over the same period last year, for the whole year it was estimated at 743.5 thousand tons, up 11.6% over the same period last year. Black tiger shrimp output in the fourth quarter of 2022 was estimated at 69.3 thousand tons, up 0.4% over the same period last year, and for the whole year was estimated at 271.4 thousand tons, up 1.9% over the same period last year.

The caught fishery output in the fourth quarter of 2022 was estimated at 871.2 thousand tons, equivalent to the same period last year, of which: Fish reached 654 thousand tons, up 0.1%; shrimp reached 44 thousand tons, up 0.2%. In general, in 2022, the output of exploited aquatic products was estimated at 3,862.6 thousand tons, down 1.8% over the previous year, including Fish reaching 2,989.6 thousand tons, down 1.9%; shrimp reached 152.9 thousand tons, down 0.8%, other aquatic products reached 720.1 thousand tons, down 1.7%. Marine fishing in 2022 was affected by high fuel prices along with unfavorable weather conditions on fishing grounds. The output of marine fishing in the fourth quarter of 2022 was estimated at 814.9 thousand tons, down 0.1% compared to the fourth quarter of 2021. In general, in 2022, marine fishery production reached 3,664.5 thousand tons, down 2% from the previous year, including fish reaching 2,859.3 thousand tons, down 2.1%, and shrimp reaching 139.2 thousand tons, down 1%.

3. Industrial production

Industrial production in the fourth quarter of 2022 tends to slow down, the growth rate of value added was estimated at 3.6% over the same period last year[11]. For the whole year of 2022, the value added of the industry increased by 7.69% compared to last year, of which the manufacturing industry increased by 8.10%.

The value-added of the whole industry in 2022 was estimated to increase by 7.69% compared to last year Of which, the manufacturing industry increased by 8.10%[12], contributing 2.09 percentage points to the overall growth of the whole economy; Electricity, gas, steam, and air conditioning supply increased by 7.05%, contributing 0.26 percentage points Water supply; sewerage, waste management, and remediation activities increased by 7.45%, contributing 0.04 percentage points; the mining industry increased by 5.19% (due to an increase in coal mining output by 4.7% and gaseous natural gas by 8.3%), contributing 0.17 percentage points to the overall increase.

The index of industrial production ( IIP) tended to decrease in the fourth quarter due to declining orders, high input costs, and shortage of raw material supply, of which the IIP December 2022 was estimated to decrease by 1% compared to the previous month and only increased by 0.2% over the same period last year; in the fourth quarter of 2022, the IIP increased by 3%[13]. The 2022 IIP was estimated to increase by 7.8%[14], of which a number of 2-digit industries highly increased: Beverage production increases (32.3%); Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemicals, and botanical products (19.2%); Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c (19.1%); Manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork (17.2%); Manufacture of leather and related products (15.6%); Manufacture of wearing apparel (14.8%); Manufacture of other transport equipment (12.3%); Manufacture of paper and paper products (10%). In the opposite direction, the IIP of some industries decreased: The manufacture of basic metals (-2.5%); Manufacture of rubber and plastics products (-6.6%).

The industrial production index in 2022 compared to the previous year increased in 61 localities and decreased in 02 localities across the country. Some localities with the IIP index achieved a relatively high increase due to the processing and manufacturing industries; electricity generation and distribution industry increased[15]. On the other hand, some localities have a low or low increase in IIP due to the manufacturing industry; Mining and quarrying; electricity production, and distribution industry increase or decrease [16].

Some key industrial products in 2022 increased sharply compared to the previous year: Beer (35.3%); Processed fishery products (15.7%); Phone accessories (15.1%); automobiles (14.9%); Petroleum (13.7%); chemical paint (10.4%); Steel bars and corners and Motorbike (both by 9.9%); Monosodium glutamate (9.3%); Leather footwear (8.8%). In the opposite direction, the number of products decreased compared to the previous year: Extracted crude oil and television (-1.3%); aquatic feed (-3.8%); N.P.K mixed fertilizer (-7.7%); mobile phones (-9.1%); Crude steel, iron (-12.3%).

The consumption index of the whole processing and manufacturing industry in December 2022 increased by 0.3% compared to the previous month and decreased by 0.6% over the same period last year. In general, in 2022, the consumption index of the entire manufacturing industry increased by 7.1% compared to 2021 (the previous year increased by 4.8%).

The inventory index of the entire manufacturing industry as of December 31, 2022, was estimated to increase by 10.1% over the same period last month and 13.9% over the same period last year (the same period last year increased by 21.3%). The average inventory rate of the whole manufacturing industry in 2022 was 78.1% (in 2021 was 79.2%).

The number of employees working in industrial enterprises as of December 1, 2022, increased by 0.4% over the same period last month and by 0.3% over the same period last year. Of which, state-owned enterprises increased by 0.1% and 0.9%; non-state enterprises increased by 0.4% and 0.9%; foreign-invested enterprises increased by 0.5% and decreased by 0.1%. By industry, the number of employees working in mining enterprises increased by 0.1% over the same period last month and 2.7% over the same period last year; manufacturing increased by 0.4% and 0.2%; Electricity, gas, steam, and air conditioning supply remained unchanged and increased by 0.1%; Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities increased by 0.1% and 1.2%.

4. Enterprise activities

The total number of newly registered enterprises and re-operated enterprises in 2022 to 208.3 thousand enterprises, a rise of 30.3% compared to 2021; 143.2 thousand enterprises were out of the market, up 19.5%, in which the majority of enterprises choose to suspend business in the short term (accounting for 51.5%).

Results of the business tendency survey of manufacturing enterprises in the fourth quarter of 2022 showed that: 66.3% of enterprises assessed that the business production situation was better and stable than in the third quarter of 2022, and 33.7% of enterprises faced difficulties.

a) Enterprise registration status [17]

In December, the whole country had 10.8 thousand newly established enterprises with registered capital were 107.2 trillion VND and a total number of registered employees of 72.4 thousand employees, a decrease of 9.8% in the number of enterprises, an increase of 2.6% in the registered capital and a down 2.2% in the number of employees compared to last month. Compared to December 2021, the number of enterprises was down 4%, the registered capital was down 31.7%, and the number of employees was up by 3.8%. The average registered capital of a newly established enterprise in the month reached 10 billion VND, an increase of 13.7% compared to last month and a decrease of 28.8% compared to the same period in 2021. In December, there were 6,104 re-o­perated enterprises in the whole country, which decreased by 2.6% compared to the previous month and up 44.5% compared to the same period in 2021.

Generally, in 2022, the whole country had 148.5 thousand newly registered enterprises with a total registered capital of 1.590,9 trillion VND and a total number of registered employees of nearly 981,3 thousand employees, up 27.1% in the number of enterprises, a decrease of 1.3% in number the registered capital, and an increase of 14.9% in the number of employees compared last year. The average registered capital of a newly established enterprise in 2022 achieved 10.7 billion VND, down 22.3% compared to the previous year. If including 3,172.7 trillion VND of the additionally registered capital of 50.4 thousand enterprises that recorded an upward capital adjustment, the total additional registered capital in the economy this year was 4,763.5 trillion VND, up 15.2% compared to 2021. Besides, there were 59.8 thousand re-operated enterprises, a rise of 38.8% over the same period last year 2021, bringing the total number of newly registered enterprises and re-operated enterprises in 2022 to 208.3 thousand enterprises, a rise of 30.3%. The average every month had 17.4 thousand newly established and re-operated enterprises.

By economic sector in this year, there were 1,959 newly-established enterprises in the agriculture, forestry, and fishery sector, down 2.0% compared to 2021; 36.3 thousand enterprises in the industry and construction sector, up 16.1%; 110.3 thousand enterprises in the service sector, up 31.9%.

In December 2022, 3,776 enterprises ceased for a certain time, a decrease of 5.7% compared to last month and an increase of 25.4% compared to the same period in 2021; 5,847 enterprises temporarily ceased and awaited dissolution procedures, an increase of 14.8% and an increase of 35.4%; 1,761 enterprises completed dissolution procedures, an increase of 23.8% and a decrease of 6.2%.

This year, there were 73.8 thousand enterprises temporarily ceased for a certain time, an increase of  34.3% compared to last year; nearly 50.8 thousand enterprises temporarily ceased and awaited dissolution procedures, a climb up 5.5%; 18.6 thousand enterprises completed dissolution procedures, a decrease of 11.2%. On average, nearly 11.9 thousand enterprises withdraw from the market each month.

b) Business trends of the enterprises

Results of the business tendency survey of manufacturing enterprises in the fourth quarter of 2022 showed that: 32.6% of enterprises assessed that the business production situation was better than in the third quarter of 2022; 33.7% of enterprises said that the business production situation was stable and 33.7% of enterprises faced difficulties[18]. For the expected outcome of the first quarter of 2023, 31.5% of enterprises presented that the tendency would get better than the fourth quarter of 2022; 37.3% of enterprises said that the business production situation would be stable and 31.2% of enterprises predicted that it would be more difficult. In which, the Non-State sector was the most optimistic, 70.3% of enterprises forecasted a better business production situation in the first quarter of 2023 and expected to remain stable compared to the fourth quarter of 2022; these rates in the State-owned enterprises and foreign direct investment sector were 68.9% and 65.3% respectively.

Regarding production volume, 34.3% of enterprises pointed out that the production volume in the fourth quarter of 2022 increased compared to the third quarter of 2022; 33% of enterprises reported that the production volume was stable and 32.7% of enterprises considered reduced[19]. For the trend in the first quarter of 2023 compared to the fourth quarter of 2022, 31.4% of enterprises forecasted an increase in the production volume; 38.5% of enterprises predicted stability and 30.1% of enterprises forecasted a decrease.

Regarding orders for goods, 29.6% of enterprises had more orders in the fourth quarter of 2022 than in the third quarter of 2022; 35.5% of enterprises had stable orders and 34.9% of enterprises recorded a decrease in orders[20]. About the trend in the first quarter in 2023 over the fourth quarter of 2022, 30% of enterprises expected an increase in orders; 30.6% of enterprises expected to have stable orders and 39.4% of enterprises expected a decrease in orders.

Regarding export orders, in the fourth quarter of 2022 compared to the third quarter of 2022, 19.9% of enterprises confirmed more new export orders; 40.9% of enterprises experienced stable new export orders and 39.2% of enterprises had a decrease of new export orders. About the trend in the first quarter of 2023 over the fourth quarter of 2022, 24% of enterprises expected to have an increase in export orders; 42.7% of enterprises expected to be stable, and 33.3% of enterprises expected to decrease.

c) Science and technology

According to the report of the Ministry of Science and Technology[21], science, technology, and innovation activities continue to effectively implement the Scheme for the development of the science and technology market until 2030. Up to now, there have been nearly 3,000 updated data including information on investment funds, supporting organizations[22], experts, and innovative start-ups across the country [23]; organizing regional and national innovation start-up festival events; attending an international innovation startup event.

Regarding industrial property, as of November 2022, 71,071 applications for registration of industrial property rights were received, an increase of 5% over the same period in 2021; processed 68,157 applications, up 5%; granted 43,444 industrial property protection titles, up 22.1%.

Regarding digital transformation, on the national public service portal [24], as of December 22, 2022, the number of administrative procedures that have provided public services online was 4,298; 2,439 public services for citizens, 2,253 public services for businesses; the number of records that synchronize the processing status to the National Public Service portal was 155.5 million records; The number of online applications made through the National Public Service portal was 6,7 million records.

Regarding the Global Innovation Index, according to the announcement at the Global Innovation Index (GII) Report 2022 of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)[25], 2022 Vietnam belongs to the group of countries that achieved the greatest progress in the past decade (up 20 places), ranked 48/132 countries, down 4 places compared to 2021 (in 2021 ranked 44/132 countries) and ranked 3rd Southeast Asia, after Singapore (7th) and Thailand (43rd). In addition, Vietnam leads the world in high-tech imports; at the same time, there was an improvement in the ranking position in terms of output (ranked 35th, 38th in 2021). In particular, Vietnam, along with Iran (53rd) and the Philippines (59th) are the three middle-income economies with the fastest growth rate of innovation performance.

5. Service activities

a) Retail sales of consumer goods and services

Commercial activities and consumer services in 2022 have recovered strongly when the Covid-19 pandemic is under control. Retail sales of consumer goods and services in the fourth quarter of 2022 increased by 17.1% over the same period last year (in the third quarter of 2022, increased by 41.2%; in the second quarter increased by 20.1%). In general, in 2022, the total retail sales of consumer goods and services increased by 19.8% over the previous year.

Retail sales of consumer goods and services in December 2022 were estimated at 515.8 trillion VND, up 3.7% over the previous month and up 17.1% over the same period last year. In the fourth quarter of 2022, the retail sales of consumer goods and services were estimated at 1,514.6 trillion VND, up 4.8% compared to the previous quarter and up 17.1% over the same period last year. In which, retail sales of goods reached 1,180.4 trillion VND, up 5.3% compared to the previous quarter and up 11.1% over the same period last year; revenue from accommodation and food services reached 147.7 trillion VND, down 7.7% and up 46.3%; tourism revenue reached 6.5 trillion VND, down 29.4% and up 231.5%; other service revenue reached 180 trillion VND, up 15.6% and up 41.2%.

In 2022, the total retail sales of consumer goods and services were estimated at 5,679.9 trillion VND, up 19.8% over the previous year, if excluding the price factor, it increased by 15.6% (in 2021 decreased by 6.7%).

Retail sales of consumer goods and services in 2022 increased by 15% compared to 2019 – the year before the Covid-19 epidemic. However, the total retail sales of consumer goods and services in 2022 will only reach 82.5% of this indicator if it is in normal conditions without the Covid-19 pandemic from 2020 to the present.

By economic activities, in the retail sales of goods in 2022, there are cultural and educational products, up 22.9% over the previous year; garments increased by 19.1%; vehicles increased by 13.8%; food, foodstuff increased by 10%; household appliances, tools and equipment increased by 7%.

According to localities, retail sales of goods in 2022 compared to the previous year some localities: Ho Chi Minh City increased by 26.4%; Da Nang increased by 14.7%; Can Tho increased by 14.2%; Dong Nai increased by 13.7%; Quang Ninh increased by 12.1%; Hanoi increased by 12%; Hai Phong increased by 10.4%.

Revenue from accommodation and food services in 2022 compared to the previous year of some localities: Ba Ria – Vung Tau increased by 155.6 %; Khanh Hoa increased by 151.1%; Ho Chi Minh City increased by 121.6%; Can Tho increased by 121.3%; Lam Dong increased by 118.4%; Da Nang increased by 83.5%; Hanoi increased by 80.4%; Quang Ninh increased by 57.8%.

Some localities with high tourism revenue in 2022 compared to the previous year: Can Tho was 10.3 times higher; Binh Dinh was 9.3 times higher; Khanh Hoa was 8.2 times higher; Thua Thien – Hue was 8 times higher; Da Nang was 6.7 times higher; Hanoi was 4.1 times higher; Hai Phong was 3.8 times higher; Ho Chi Minh City was 1.9 times higher.

Other service revenue in 2022 compared to the previous year of some localities: Can Tho increased by 65.1%; Tien Giang increased by 40.7%; Ho Chi Minh City increased by 35%; Phu Yen increased by 32.6%; Da Nang increased by 29.4%; Hanoi increased by 26.2%; Bac Giang increased by 21.6%; Hai Phong increased by 14.4%.

b) Transport

Transport activities in December continued to grow well in both passenger and freight transport when demand in the last month of the year increased. Of which, passengers carried increased by 2.1 times, and passenger traffic increased by 2.5 times compared to the same period last year; freight carried increased by 19.1% and freight traffic increased by 6.6%.

In the fourth quarter of 2022, passengers carried was 2.3 times higher and passenger traffic was 3 times higher in comparison to the same period last year; freight traffic increased by 26.6% and freight carried increased by 23.8%. Generally, in 2022, passengers carried increased by 52.8% over the same period last year and passenger traffic increased by 78.3%; freight carried increased by 23.7%, and freight traffic increased by 29.4%.

Passenger transport in December 2022 was estimated at 297.1 million passengers, an increase of 3.6% compared to the previous month, and 14.3 billion passengers-kilometers, an increase of 5.2%. In the fourth quarter of 2022, passengers carried was estimated at 874.8 million passengers, 2.3 times higher than the same period last year, and passenger traffic reached 41 billion passengers-kilometers, 3 times higher.

Generally, in 2022, passengers carried an estimated at 3,664.1 million passengers, up 52.8% over last year (decreased by 32.7% in 2021) and passenger traffic reached 171.8 billion passengers. km, an increase of 78.3% (a decrease of 40.9% in 2021). In which, domestic transport reached 3,658.9 million passengers carried, up 52.6% over the last year and 155.4 billion passengers-kilometers, up 62.4%; overseas transport got 5.2 million passengers, 32.6 times higher than last year and 16,4 billion passengers-kilometers, 27 times higher. Although passenger transport has made a positive recovery, it is only equal to 72.5% of passengers carried and 69.4% of passenger traffic compared to 2019, the year without the Covid-19 epidemic.

In terms of the transportation industry, in 2022 all industries had a good recovery compared to 2021 but still have not reached the output level of 2019. In which, the volume of air passenger transport in 2022 was 3.2 times higher in passenger carried and 4.2 times in passenger traffic compared to 2021 but still down 10.6% in passenger carried and 25.2% in passenger traffic compared to 2019; the railway was 3.1 times higher in terms of passenger carried and 2.5 times higher in terms of passenger traffic, but still, down 45% and 49.4%; seaway was 1.6 times higher in passenger carried and 1.7 times higher in passenger traffic, but still decreased by 20.4% and 7.1%; inland waterway was 1.5 times higher in terms of passenger carried and 1.2 times higher in passenger traffic compared to 2021, although it increased by 6.2% in terms of passenger carried, it still decreased by 26.3% in passenger traffic compared to 2019; by road was 1.5 times higher and 1.4 times higher compared to 2021, but still decreased by 29.4% and 33% compared to 2019.

Freight transport in December 2022 was estimated at 182.7 million tons of freight carried, up 3.6% over the previous month, and 40.8 billion tons-km of freight traffic, up 3%. In the fourth quarter of 2022, freight carried was estimated at 537.9 million tons, up 26.6% from the same period last year, and freight traffic reached 121.5 billion tons-kilometers, up 23.8%.

 Generally, in 2022, freight transport was estimated at 2,009.6 million tons of freight carried, up 23.7% over the previous year (decreased by 8.4% in 2021) and 441.3 billion tons. km of freight traffic, an increase of 29.4% (in 2021, an increase of 0.5%). In which, domestic transport was estimated at 1,966.5 billion tons. km of freight carried, up 23.4% and 270.7 billion tons. km of freight traffic, up 46.5%; overseas transport reached 43.1 billion tons of freight carried, up 40.6% and 170.6 billion tons. km of freight traffic, up 9.2%. Enterprises went into stable operation, and imports and exports continued to be better, so the demand for domestic and oversea freight in 2022 increased compared to previous years. Compared to 2019, freight transport in 2022 increased by 7.4% in freight carried and 21.4% in freight traffic.

In terms of the transportation industry, in 2022 most of the industries had positive growth compared to the previous year and also achieved a higher output level compared to 2019. In which, the volume of seaway increased by 27.9% in freight carried, 37.7% in freight traffic compared to 2021 and increased by 29.2% in freight carried and 34.7% in freight traffic compared to 2019; inland waterways increased by 26.9% in freight carried, 37.7% in freight traffic compared to 2021 and increased by 7.1% in freight carried, 24.5% in freight traffic compared to 2019; By road increased by 22.7%, 20.9% compared to 2021 and increased by 6.1% in freight carried, but decreased by 0.4% in freight traffic compared to 2019; railway transport increased by 0.9%, 10.9% to 2021 and increased by 9.8%, 21.6% compared to 2019. Particularly, airway increased by 0.3% in freight carried, it still decreased by 56.5% in freight traffic compared to 2021 and decreased by 36.2%, down 22.3% compared to 2019.

c) Telecommunications

Telecommunications revenue in the fourth quarter of 2022 was estimated at 84.9 trillion VND, an increase of 4.8% compared to the same period last year (if excluding the price factor, the increase was 2.1%). Generally, in 2022, telecommunications revenue was estimated to reach 333.9 trillion VND, an increase of 6.7% compared to last year (if excluding the price factor, the increase was 5.6%). The total number of telephone subscribers by the end of December 2022 was estimated at 129.7 million subscribers, an increase of 3.1% compared to the same period last year, of which mobile phone subscribers reached 127.2 million subscribers, rising by 3.7%. The number of fixed broadband internet subscribers by the end of December 2022 recorded 21 million subscribers, up 8.6% compared to the same period last year, of which subscribers accessing via Fiber to The Home (FTTH) increased rapidly; subscribers via Cable Television (CATV) and xDSL continue to decrease.

d) International visitors to Viet Nam [26]

International visitors to our country in December [27] were estimated at 707.1 thousand arrivals, an increase of 18.5% compared to the previous month and 41.2 times higher than the same period last year because Viet Nam has opened up to tourism, and international routes have been restored. Generally, in 2022, international visitors to Viet Nam were estimated at 3,661.2 thousand arrivals, 23.3 times higher than the same period last year but still down 79.7% compared to 2019, the year of no Covid-19 epidemic.

Out of a total of nearly 3,661.2 thousand international visitors to Viet Nam in this year, visitors coming by airway gained 3,277.2 thousand people, accounting for 89.5% of the number of international visitors to Viet Nam, 29.5 times higher than last year; by roadway achieved 380.9 thousand arrivals, accounted for 10.4% and 8.4 times higher; by seaway achieved 3.1 thousand arrivals, accounted for 0.1% and 5.1 times higher.


1. Banking, insurance, and securities activities

In 2022, with global usage pressure at a high level, the State Bank of Vietnam has adjusted interest rates to match the international context and macroeconomic stability. Business activities ensure stability, ensure the interests of customers; The domestic stock market fell in the context of the global stock market being affected by the economic recession.

As of December 21, 2022, the total liquidity increased by 3.85% compared to the end of 2021 (in the same period of 2021, it increased by 8.31%); capital mobilization from credit institutions increased by 5.99% (in the same period in 2021, it increased by 7.73%); signal growth of the economy reached 12.87% (in the same period in 2021, it increased by 12.53%).

The State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) has actively and flexibly stabilized the money market, responding to development trends and rising interest rates in the world. On October 24, 2022, the State Bank continued to adjust a series of operating interest rates (for the first time on September 22, 2022), in which the maximum interest rate for indefinite and term deposits below 1 month from 0.5% up 1%/year; term from 1 month to less than 6 months from 5% to 6%/year. Refinancing interest rate from 5% to 6%/year; discount rate from 3.5% to 4.5%/year; paying interest on overnight loans in inter-bank electronic payments and lending to compensate for the lack of capital in clearing payments by the SBV with credit institutions from 6% to 7%/year. The maximum short-term lending interest rate in Vietnam dong of credit institutions to customers The objective of meeting capital needs in the number of economic sectors and fields is to increase from 4.5% to 5.5%/year; of people’s credit funds and microfinance institutions increased from 5.5% to 6.5% per year.

The increase in lending interest rates will affect the production and business activities of enterprises. Therefore, the State Bank has directed credit institutions to reduce costs. The goal is to reduce lending interest rates and share difficulties with businesses. Many signal organizations have reduced interest rates from 0.5 to 3.0%/year; at the same time, focus on disbursing priority areas such as agriculture, rural areas, export, production of auxiliary goods, and other areas of the growth engine of the economy.

Implementing Resolution No. 11/NQ-CP on socio-economic recovery and development, as of December 26, 2022[28], the total disbursed capital for social policy credit programs reached 103,491 billion VND, an increase of 23,280 billion VND over the same period in 2021; Nearly 2,368 thousand poor households, near-poor households, and other policy beneficiaries received loans during the year. Total outstanding policy credits reached 283,244 billion VND, up 14.2% compared to 2021 compared to 6,544 thousand poor households, near-poor households, and policy beneficiaries with outstanding loans. Of which, outstanding loans for preferential lending policies under Resolution No. 11/NQ-CP of the Government reached 15,863 billion VND, completing 83.5% of the 2022 plan.

Premium revenue of the entire insurance market in the fourth quarter of 2022 was estimated to increase by 15.8% over the same period last year, of which premium revenue from life increased by 15.6%, and non-life insurance up by 16.4%. In general, in 2022, the premium revenue of the whole insurance market increased by 16.2% compared to the previous year, of which the premium revenue from the life field increased by 15.8%; the non-life insurance sector increased by 17.3%.

Insurance businesses have been active and actively adapting the application to develop stably when the economy is gradually recovered, actively improving competitiveness, and expanding the scope and area of operation. Payment of insurance benefits as of December 12, 2022, was estimated at 64,018 billion VND (up 23.29% over the same period in 2021), of which non-life insurers’ payouts are 23,418 billion VND, life insurance enterprises were estimated at 40,600 billion VND; investment back into the economy by insurance enterprises in 2022 increased by 12.5% over the previous year.

The stock market in 2022 fell a sharp decrease compared to 2021 in the context that businesses have difficulty accessing loan capital, credit growth limits are strictly checked, and the volume of corporate bonds issued decreases.

On the stock market, as of December 27, 2022, the VNIndex reached 993.7 points, down 5.22% from the end of last month and down 33.68% from the end of last year. As of December 15, 2022, the market capitalization value was estimated at 5,263 billion VND, down 32.2% compared to the end of 2021; the average trading value reached 20,410 billion VND/session, down 23.3% compared to the average of the previous year.

The stock market currently has 757 stocks and certificates; 859 shares registered for trading on UPCoM with a total listed and registered price of 1,970 billion VND, an increase of 13.3% compared to the end of 2021.

   In the bond market, there were 447 sealed bond codes with a sealed value of more than 1,708 billion VND, up 10.7% compared to the end of 2021. The average trading value in December 2022 reached 3,284 billion VND/session, up 17.1% over the previous month; the average for the whole year 2022 reached 7,737 billion VND/session, down 32.2% compared to the average in 2021.

On the derivatives market, the average trading volume of futures products only on VN30 in December 2022 reached 430,798 contracts/session, down 9% compared to the previous year; the average trading value reached 44 billion VND/session, up 6%. Average in 2022, the average trading volume of futures products on the VN30 index reached 270.484 contracts/session, up 43% from the previous year’s average; covered warrants reached 32.69 million warrants/session, up 53%.

2. Development investment

The investment at current prices in 2022 was estimated at 3,219.8 trillion VND, up 11.2% over the previous year, this increase reflects the strong recovery of production and business activities. In which, realized foreign direct investment capital in Vietnam reached nearly 22.4 billion USD, up 13.5% over the previous year, reaching the highest level since 2018 until now.

The investment in the fourth quarter of 2022 at current prices was estimated at 1,089.1 trillion VND, an increase of 8.5% over the same period last year, of which the State-owned sector went up by 11.6%; the non-State sector increased by 7.1%; the FDI sector up 9.1%.

Generally, in 2022, the investment at current prices was estimated at 3,219.8 trillion VND, increasing by 11.2% over the last year, of which: the investment capital of the State sector reached 824.7 trillion VND, representing 25.6% of the total capital and up 14.6% compared to the same period last year; the non-State sector gained 1,873.2 trillion VND, accounting for 58.2% and rising by 8.9%; the foreign direct investment recorded 521.9 trillion VND, accounting for 16.2% and increasing by 13.9%[29].

In the investment capital of the State sector, the implemented capital from the State budget in 2022 was estimated at 511.6 trillion VND, equaling 85.2% of the yearly plan and went up 18.8% against the last year (the corresponding figures in 2021 was 85.7% and decreasing by 7.1%), including the capital under central management reached 91.7 trillion VND, equaling 78.9% of the yearly plan and increasing by 23.4% over the previous year; the capital under local management achieved 419.9 trillion VND, equaling 86.7% and increasing by 17.9%. Of which: the State budget capital at the provincial level reached 277,6 trillion VND, equaling 82.5% and up 16.4%; the State budget capital at the district level gained 122.1 trillion VND, equaling 94.4% and up 22.8%; State budget capital at commune level was 20.2 trillion VND, equaling 108.7% and up 9.4%.

The registered capital of foreign investment in Vietnam from the beginning of the year to 20/12/2022 [30], including newly registered capital, adjust registered capital, and the total value of capital contribution and share purchases of foreign investors reached 27.72 billion USD, down 11% compared to last year.

Newly registered capital included 2,036 newly licensed projects with a registered capital of 12.45 billion USD, an increase of 17.1% in the number of projects and a decrease of 18.4% of registered capital compared to the last year; of which, the manufacturing industry attracted the 1st foreign direct investor with the registered capital of newly licensed projects reaching 7.21 billion USD, accounting for 57.9% of the total newly registered capital; the electricity, gas, steam, and air conditioning reached 2.1 billion USD, accounting for 16.9%, the remaining industries reached 3.13 billion USD, accounting for 25.2%.

Among 73 countries and territories having newly licensed investment projects in Vietnam in the year, Japan was the largest investor with 3.39 billion USD, accounting for 27.2% of total newly registered capital; Singapore 2.12 billion USD, accounting for 10.6%; China 1.36 billion USD, accounting for 10.9%; Denmark 1.32 billion USD, accounting for 10.6%; South Korea 1.12 billion USD, accounting for 9%; Hong Kong SAR (China) 1.1 billion USD, accounting for 8.8%.

– Adjust registered capital included 1,107 turns of projects which were licensed in the previous years registered to adjust investment capital with the additional capital of 10.12 billion USD, which increased by 12.2% compared to the last year.

If including additional newly registered capital and adjusting registered capital of licensed projects in previous years, foreign direct investment capital in the processing and manufacturing industry reached 15.19 billion USD, accounting for 67.3% of the total newly registered capital and additional capital; real estate business reached nearly 2.87 billion USD, accounting for 12.7%; the remaining industries reached 4.5 billion USD, accounting for 20%.

Capital contribution and share purchases of foreign investors included 3,566 turns with a total value of the capital contribution of 5.15 billion USD, which decreased by 25.2% compared to the last year. Including 1,561 turns of capital contribution, share purchase causing the increase of charter capital of the enterprise with the value of the contributed worth of 2.42 billion USD, and 2,005 turns of foreign investors repurchased domestic shares without increasing the charter capital with a value of 2.73 billion USD. By economic activities, the investment capital in the manufacturing industry reached 1.61 billion USD, accounting for 31.3% of the total capital; real estate business reached 1.58 billion USD, accounting for 30.5%; the remaining industries reached 1.97 billion USD, accounting for 38.2%.

Foreign direct investment capital implemented in 2022 reached 22.4 billion USD, up 13.5% over the last year, this is the highest amount of foreign direct investment in the past 5 years, of which the manufacturing activity reached 17.81 billion USD, accounting for 79.5% of total realized foreign direct investment capital; electricity, gas, steam, and air conditioning supply recorded real estate business activities gained 1.49 billion USD, making up 6.7%; real estate business activities gained 1.46 billion USD, comprising of 6.5%.

Vietnam’s investment abroad in 2022, there were 109 projects newly granted investment certificates with a total investment capital of 426.6 million USD, increasing by 4.3% over the same period of last year; 26 turns of projects adjusted capital with decreased capital of 107.4 million USD (in 2021 adjusted down to 776 million USD).

In general, Vietnam’s total investment capital abroad (newly and adjusted capital) reached nearly 534 million USD (in 2021, it was adjusted down by 367 million USD[31]) compared to last year. Of which, the processing and manufacturing industry reached 251.9 million USD, accounting for 47.2% of total investment capital; real estate business reached 76.8 million USD, accounting for 14.4%; wholesale, retail, repair cars, motorcycles, and other motor vehicles reached 46.3 million USD, accounting for 8.7%.

In 2022, 29 countries and territories received investment from Vietnam, of which Singapore was the leading country with 79.5 million USD; accounting for 14.9%, Laos 70.5 million USD, accounting for 13.2%; Australia with 54 million USD, accounting for 10.1%; United States 48.2 million USD, accounting for 9%; Germany, France, Netherland reach together 34.7 million USD, together accounting for 6.5%;

3. State budget revenues and expenditures [32]

State budget revenue in 2022 was estimated to increase by 13.8% over the previous year. State budget expenditure was estimated to increase by 8.1% compared to 2021, meeting the needs of socio-economic development, national defense and security, state management, payment of due debts, and support for people facing difficulties due to the Covid-19 pandemic and restoring production in areas damaged by natural disasters and epidemics.

State budget revenue:

Total state budget revenue in December 2022 was estimated at 125.7 trillion VND. The accumulated total state budget revenue in 2022 was 1,784.8 trillion VND, equaling 126.4% of the year estimate and up 13.8% over the previous year. Some of the main revenues are as follows:

– Domestic revenue in December 2022 was estimated at 105.7 trillion VND. Accumulated in 2022 reached 1,421.8 trillion VND, equaling 120.8% of the year estimate and up 9% over the previous year.

– Revenue from crude oil in December 2022 was estimated at 6.3 trillion VND; accumulated in 2022 reached 77 trillion VND, equaling 273% of the year estimate and increasing by 72.5% over the previous year.

– Balanced budget revenue from import and export activities in December 2022 was estimated at 13.5 trillion VND; accumulated in 2022 reached 280 trillion VND, equaling 140.7 % of the year estimate and increasing by 29.7% over the previous year.

State budget expenditure:

Total state budget expenditure in December 2022 was estimated at 203.3 trillion VND; accumulated in 2022 was estimated at 1,562.3 trillion VND, equaling 87.5% of the year estimate and increasing by 8.1% over the previous year. Of which, regular expenditure in 2022 reached 1,026.2 trillion VND, equaling 92.4% of the yearly estimate and increasing by 5.6% over the previous year; development investment expenditure reached 435.7 trillion VND, equaling 82.8% and increasing 22.2%; debt payment interest 97.5 trillion VND, equaling 94% and down 7.9%.

4. Export and import of goods and services [33]

a) Export and import of goods[34]

In December 2022, the import and export of goods turnover was estimated at 58.82 billion USD, which went up 2.7% compared to previous months and went down 11.2% over the same period last year. Generally, in 2022, the total import and export turnover of goods reach 732.5 billion USD, which went up 9.5% over last year, of which exports increased by 10.6%; imports increased by 8.4%[35]. The trade balance of goods in 2022 was estimated to have a trade surplus of 11.2 billion USD.

 Export of goods

Export turnover in November 2022 reached 29.02 billion USD, 160 million USD lower than the estimated figure.

Export turnover in December 2022 was estimated at 29.66 billion USD, an increase of 2.2% over the previous month, of which the domestic economic sector gained 7.63 billion USD, which increased by 3.2%; the FDI sector (including crude oil) reached 22.03 billion USD, increased by 1.9%. Compared to the same period last year, export turnover of goods in December went down 14%, of which the domestic economic sector decreased by 22.4%, and the FDI sector (including crude oil) decreased by 10.6%.

In the fourth quarter of 2022, export turnover was estimated at 89.5 billion USD, which decreased by 7.1% compared to the third quarter of 2022 and decreased by 6.1% over the same period in 2021.

Generally in 2022, the export turnover was estimated at 371.85 billion USD, which rose by 10.6% over 2021. Of which, the domestic economic sector was 95.09 billion USD, which went up 6.5%, accounting for 25.6% of total export turnover; the FDI sector (including crude oil) attained 276.76 billion USD, increased by 12.1%, sharing 74.4%.

In 2022, there were 36 products with an export turnover of over 1 billion USD, contributing 94% to the total export turnover (08 products with an export turnover of over 10 billion USD, accounting for 70.1%).

Regarding the structure of exported groups in 2022, the group of fuels and minerals accounting for 1.4%, an increase of 0.3 percentage points over last year; the group of processing industry accounted for 89%, a decrease of 0.1 percentage points;  agricultural and forestry products accounting for 6.7%, a decrease of 0.5 percentage points; the group of fishery products accounting for 2.9%, an increase of 0.3 percentage points.

 Import of goods

Import turnover of goods in November 2022 reached 28,28 billion USD, 123 million USD lower than the estimated figure.

Import turnover in December 2022 was estimated at 29.16 billion USD, which increased by 3.1% over the previous month. Of which the domestic economic sector gained 10.36 billion USD, up 2,6%; the FDI sector reached 18.8 billion USD, increased by 3.4%. Compared to the same period in 2021, the import turnover of goods in December decreased by 8.1%, of which the domestic economic sector decreased by 2.2%; the FDI sector decreased by 11.1%.

In the fourth quarter of 2022, import turnover was estimated at 85.07 billion USD, which decreased by 5.8% compared to the third quarter of 2022, and dropped by 3.9% over the same period in 2021.

Generally in 2022, the import turnover was estimated at 360.65 billion USD, which increased by 8.4% over 2021. Of which the domestic economic sector reached 125.79 billion USD, went up by 10%; the FDI sector gained 234.86 billion USD, edged up by 7.5%.

In 2022, there were 46 imported products with a turnover of over 1 billion USD, accounting for 93.3% of the total import turnover (06 products with an import turnover of over 10 billion USD, accounting for 52.1%).

Regarding the structure of imported groups in 2022, the group of input materials accounting for 93.5%, a percentage equal to the previous year, in which machinery, equipment, accessory, means of transport, and components accounting for 44.7%, went down 1.8 percentage points; fuel and row materials accounting for 48.8%, went up 1.8 percentage point. The consumer goods group accounted for 6.5%, a percentage equal to the previous year.

Regarding the export, and import of goods market in 2022, the United States was Viet Nam’s largest export market with a turnover of 109.1 billion USD. China remained the largest import market of Viet Nam with a turnover of 119.3 billion USD. In 2022, the trade surplus to the EU reached 31.8 billion USD, which rose by 36.8% over last year; the trade surplus to Japan was 836 million USD, (last year had a trade deficit of 2.7 billion USD); the trade deficit from China was 60.9 billion USD, went up 11.5%; trade deficit from Korea was 38.3 billion USD, going up 11.5%; trade deficit from ASEAN was 13.6 billion USD, increased by 10.6%.

The trade balance of goods in November 2022 witnessed a trade surplus of 0.74 billion USD[36]; the trade surplus for 11 months was 10.7 billion USD; the trade surplus for December 2022 was 0.5 billion USD; the trade surplus in 2022 was estimated at 11.2 billion USD (the same period last year saw a trade surplus of 3.32 billion USD). Of which the domestic economic sector saw a trade deficit of 30.7 billion USD; the FDI sector (including crude oil) saw a trade surplus of 41.9 billion USD.

b) Export and import of services

In the fourth quarter of 2022, the export turnover of services reached 4.6 billion USD, which increased by 20% over the previous quarter and increased by 204.2% over the same period in 2021; the import turnover of services reached 6.1 billion USD, increased by 10.9% over the previous quarter and went up by 10.7% over the same period in 2021.

In 2022, export turnover of services was estimated at 12.9 billion USD, which went up by 145.2% over 2021, of which travel service gained 3.8 billion USD (accounting for 29.8% of the total turnover), increased nearly 25 times compared to last year; transportation service reached 5.6 billion USD (accounting for 43.4%), increased by 165.4%.

Import turnover of service this year was estimated at 25.5 billion USD, edged up by 23.6% over last year, of which transport services gained 12.4 billion USD (accounting for 48.7% of total turnover), increased by 18.3%; travel services reached 6.5 billion USD (sharing 25.6%), increased by 70.8%. The trade deficit of services in 2022 was 12.6 billion USD (in which the cost of transportation and insurance is separated from the import of goods was 9 billion USD).

5. Price index

a) Consumer price index

The decrease in domestic petrol and oil prices in line with world fuel prices was the main reason for the consumer price index (CPI) in December 2022 decreased by 0.01% compared to the previous month and increased by 4.55% compared to December 2021. The average CPI in the fourth quarter of 2022 increased by 4.41% over the same period last year. For the whole year of 2022, CPI increased by 3.15% compared to 2021, reaching the target set by the National Assembly.

Consumer price index (CPI) in December 2022 decreased by 0.01% compared to the previous month, of which: 2 groups of goods and services had a decrease in the price index and 9 groups with an increase in the price index.

(1) Two groups of goods and services with declining price indexes include:

The transportation group had the largest decrease with 2.78% (making the overall CPI decrease by 0.27 percentage points), due to the influence of the adjustments to reduce domestic gasoline prices according to world fuel prices on December 1st, 2022, December 12nd, 2022 and December 21st, 2022 made gasoline prices decrease by 7.29%; diesel oil decreased by 10.64%. Besides, the spare parts price index increased by 0.22%; other services for private means of transport and public transport services both increased by 0.08%.

Post and telecommunications groups decreased by 0.04%.

(2) Nine groups of goods and services have increased price indexes including:

Housing and construction materials group increased by 0.66% mainly due to a 4.08% increase in gas price because from December 1st, 2022, the domestic gas price was adjusted to increase by 14,000 VND/12 kg bottle after the world gas price increased by 40 USD/ton (from 610 USD/ton to 650 USD/ton); the price of water for a living increased by 0.82% due to an increase in water prices in some localities; rental housing prices increased by 0.77%; the price of housing maintenance materials increased by 0.35% (making the general CPI increase by 0.01 percentage points) due to a slight increase in the price of stone, sand, brick, and cement; housing repair service prices increased by 0.57% due to an increase in the demand for home repair and maintenance at the end of the year. In the opposite direction, kerosene prices decreased by 7.4% due to the impact of price adjustments on December 1st, 2022, December 12th, 2022, and December 21st, 2022; water and electricity for a living decreased by 0.95% due to the cool weather.

– Beverage and cigarette group increased by 0.45%[37], due to the increased consumption of people on Christmas and New Year’s Eve in 2023 as well as the preparation of goods for the upcoming Lunar New Year.

Garment, hats, and footwear group increased by 0.41% because many stores and supermarkets ended their discount promotions in the month, along with the demand for clothes for Christmas and New Year’s Eve, so the stores increase the sales price.

The education group increased by 0.32% (making the general CPI increase by 0.02 percentage points), of which educational services increased by 0.35% because some non-public educational institutions adjusted the increase in tuition fees in line with the increase in tuition fees compliance with regulations. . Besides, due to the increased demand for books and school supplies and transportation costs, the price of paper products increased by 0.32% compared to the previous month; textbook prices increased by 0.06%; the price of writing pens of all kinds increased by 0.17%; stationery and other school supplies increased by 0.12%.

– Household appliances increased by 0.22%.

– Food and catering services increased by 0.15%, of which: Food increased by 0.48% due to the stable export price of rice at a high level along with increased consumer demand at the end of the year, causing rice prices to increase light[38]; foodstuff increased by 0.05%[39]; eating outside the family increased by 0.26%.

– The group of culture, entertainment, and tourism increased by 0.09%.

Medicines and medical services increased by 0.08%.

– Other goods and services increased by 0.23%, focusing on the price of the jewelry group, which increased by 0.36% according to the price of gold; hair cutting and shampooing services increased by 0.52%. During the wedding season, the price of wedding supplies and services increased by 0.35%; The demand for worship items at the end of the year increased, so the prices of these items increased by 0.28%.

In the fourth quarter of 2022, CPI increased by 0.67% compared to the previous quarter and 4.41% over the same period in 2021. Of which: Education increased by 11.13% over the same period last year; housing and construction materials increased by 6.17%; food and catering services increased by 5.19%; culture, entertainment, and tourism group by 4.95%; beverage and cigarettes by 3.64%; household appliances by 2.63%; garments, hats, and shoes by 2.31%; transport group increased by 0.86%; medicine and medical service group by 0.55%; other goods and services increased by 3.12%. Particularly, postal services and telecommunications decreased by 0.21% compared to the same period last year.

On average, in 2022, CPI increased by 3.15% compared to the average in 2021, reaching the target set by the National Assembly. The average CPI in 2022 increases due to a number of main reasons:

(i) Domestic gasoline prices increased by 28.01% over the previous year (making the overall CPI increase by 1.01 percentage points), gas prices by 11.49% (making the overall CPI increase by 0.17 percentage points);

(ii) Rice price increased by 1.22% compared to 2021 (making the overall CPI increase by 0.03 percentage points) due to the increase in domestic rice prices in line with the export price of rice, increased demand for sticky rice and delicious rice during the holidays, Tet;

(iii) Prices of foodstuff items increased by 1.62% compared to 2021 (making CPI increase by 0.35 percentage points);

(iv) Prices of housing and construction materials increased by 3.11% over the previous year due to the increase in prices of cement, iron, steel, and sand in line with the price of input materials (making the overall CPI increase by 0.59 percentage points);

(v) The price of educational services increased by 1.44% compared to 2021 (making the general CPI increase by 0.08 percentage points) because some provinces and centrally-run cities increased tuition fees for the 2022-2023 school year;

(vi) The impact of the increase in gasoline prices, whereby airfares in 2022 increased by 27.58% compared to the previous year; train fares increased by 10.96%; passenger car fares increased by 12.15%; package tour prices increased by 8.27%.

Besides, there are a number of factors contributing to restraining the CPI growth rate in 2022:

(i) Pork price decreased by 10.68% over the previous year (making the overall CPI decrease by 0.36 percentage points) due to the control of African swine fever and the guaranteed supply of pigs to meet the people’s consumption demand;

(ii) Rented housing prices decreased by 1.83% compared to the previous year (making the general CPI decrease by 0.01 percentage points), prices decreased mainly in the first months of the year due to the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic;

(iii) Post and telecommunications prices decreased by 0.37% year-on-year due to lower mobile phone prices;

(iv) In order to proactively respond to challenges in the face of increasing inflationary pressure, the Government has drastically directed ministries, sectors, and localities to synchronously implement solutions to stabilize prices and limit negative impacts on inflation. negative impact on socio-economic development and thereby help curb inflation in 2022.

Core inflation[40] in December 2022 increased by 0.33% compared to the previous month, up by 4.99% over the same period last year, higher than the average CPI increase (up 4.55%) mainly due to the fact that gasoline price is the factor restraining the CPI growth rate in December this year, which belongs to the group of goods that are excluded from the core inflation calculation list. On average, core inflation in 2022 increased by 2.59% compared to 2021, lower than the average overallCPI (up 3.15%), this reflects consumer price fluctuations mainly due to food prices, gasoline, and oil, and gas increases.

b) Gold price index and US dollar

The domestic gold price fluctuates in the same direction as the world gold price. The world gold price increased and decreased. As of December 25th, 2022, the average world gold price was at 1,804.19 USD/ounce, up 4,18% compared to November 2022. Gold prices rose because US inflation cooled down in November, and the US dollar weakened. Domestically, the gold price index in December 2022 increased by 0.45% compared to the previous month; an increase of 4.16% over the same period in 2021; an average increase of 5.74% in 2022 compared to the previous year.

The US dollar in the world market fluctuated up and down. In the policy meeting on December 14th, 2022, the Fed decided to raise interest rates by 0.5 percentage points, bringing the federal funds rate to 4.25-4.5%. However, after US inflation in November was lower than expected, the US dollar fell sharply. As of December 25th, 2022, the average US dollar index in December 2022 on the international market reached 104.51 points, down 3.2 points from the previous month. Domestically, the average US dollar price on the free market is around 24,235 VND/USD. The US dollar price index in December 2022 decreased by 2.6% compared to the previous month and increased by 5% over the same period in 2021; an average increase of 2.09% in 2022 compared to the previous year.

c) Producer price index

The world commodity market in 2022 faced many difficulties and challenges. Production and consumption supply chains are broken; energy stress caused inflation in many countries to rise, and countries promoted tight monetary policy; extreme weather phenomena, natural disasters, and climate change are complicated and unpredictable. Domestically, the economy recovered quickly, and the demand for the production of goods for consumption and export increased, along with the impact of raw material prices on the world market, pushing up domestic producer prices of goods and services increased. The producer price index, input producer price index used for production, and the merchandise export and import price index in the fourth quarter and 2022 all increased over the same period in 2021.

The producer price index (PPI) for agricultural, forestry, and fishery products in the fourth quarter of 2022 increased by 0.74% compared to the previous quarter and by 6.45% over the same period last year. In which: PPI of agricultural products and related services increased by 0.76% and by 5.09%; forestry and related services by 0.63% and by 6.32%; exploited and farmed aquatic products increased by 0.72% and 10.7%.

In general, in 2022, the PPI of agricultural, forestry, and fishery products increased by 3.89% compared to 2021. In which: PPI of agricultural products and related services increased by 2.44%; forestry and related services increased by 3.98%; exploited and farmed aquatic products increased by 8.43%.

PPI for industrial products in the fourth quarter of 2022 decreased by 1.01% compared to the previous quarter and increased by 2.84% over the same period last year. In which: PPI of mining and quarrying decreased by 10.39% and increased by 6.64%; manufacturing decreased by 0.37% and increased by 2.64%; production and distribution of electricity, gas, hot water, steam and air conditioner decreased by 0.2% and increased by 7.37%; water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities increased by 0.21% and by 2.21%.

In general, in 2022, PPI for industrial products increased by 4.24% compared to 2021. In which: PPI of mining and quarrying increased by 18.9%; manufacturing increased by 3.69%; production and distribution of electricity, gas, hot water, steam and air conditioner increased by 5.54%; water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities increased by 1.91%.

PPI for services in the fourth quarter of 2022 increased by 1.24% compared to the previous quarter and by 4.74% over the same period last year. In which: PPI of some industries as follows: transport and storage service decreased by 0.95% and increased by 9.41%; accommodation and food service activities increased by 1.18% and by 6.89%; information and communication increased by 2.29% and by 2.67%; education and training services increased by 6.8% and by 9.33%; human health and social work activities increased by 0.02% and by 0.41%; arts, entertainment and recreation increased by 0.58% and by 1.02%.

In general, in 2022, PPI for services increased by 3.69% compared to 2021. In which: transport and storage service increased by 8.36%; accommodation and food service activities increased by 5.52%; information and communication decreased by 1.07%; education and training services increased by 3.3%; human health and social work activities increased by 0.69%; arts, entertainment and recreation increased by 0.57%.

d) Price index of materials, fuels used for production

The price index of materials and fuels used for production in the fourth quarter of 2022 increased by 0.16% compared to the previous quarter and by 4.79% over the same period last year. In which: The price index of materials and fuels used for agriculture, forestry, and fishing increased by 0.01% and by 8.65%; used for manufacturing increased by 0.25% and by 4.82%; used for construction decreased by 0.92% and increased by 3.98%.

In general, in 2022, the price index of materials, and fuels used for production increased by 6.79% over the previous year. In which: The price index of materials and fuels used for agriculture, forestry, and fishing increased by 9.88%; used for manufacturing increased by 5.53%; used for construction increased by 6.96%.

 The Merchandise export price index in the fourth quarter of 2022 decreased by 3.37% compared to the previous quarter and increased by 3.51% over the same period last year. In which: Price index of agricultural products and foodstuffs decreased by 2.74% and increased by 3.22%; the fuel group decreased by 2.54% and increased by 55.87%; other manufacturing products decreased by 3.48% and increased by 1.93%.

In general, in 2022, the merchandise export price index increased by 7.09% over the previous year. In which: The price index of agricultural products and foodstuffs increased by 7.74%; the fuel group increased by 64.55%; other manufacturing products increased by 5.23%.

The merchandise import price index in the fourth quarter of 2022 decreased by 3.88% compared to the previous quarter and increased by 1.97% over the same period last year. In which: Import price index of agricultural products and foodstuffs decreased by 2.66% and increased by 6.54%; the fuel group decreased by 8.45% and increased by 17.27%; other manufacturing products decreased by 3.49% and increased by 1.28%.

In general, in 2022, the merchandise import price index increased by 8.56% compared to 2021. In which: The price index of agricultural products and foodstuffs increased by 9.74%; the fuel group increased by 35.51%; other manufacturing products increased by 7.41%.

Merchandise terms of trade [41] (TOT) in the fourth quarter of 2022 increased by 0.53% compared to the previous quarter and increased by 1.51% over the same period last year. In general, in 2022, merchandise terms of trade decreased by 1.36% compared to the previous year. In which: Commodity exchange rate of iron and steel decreased by 11.27%; rubber down by 5.47%; vegetables and fruits decreased by 3.92%; wood and articles of wood decreased by 2.41%; petroleum oil, refined increased by 18.92%; electronic parts (including TV parts), mobile, computer and their parts increased by 5.61%; fishery products increased by 3.75%. TOT in 2022 decreased compared to the previous year because the export price index had a lower growth rate than the import price index, reflecting that Vietnam is in an unfavorable position when the price of imported goods has an advantage compared to the price of exported goods.


1. Population, labor, and employment

The average population of Vietnam in 2022 was 99.46 million people. The population quality has improved, the fertility rate has decreased to the lowest in the period 2018-2022[42] and the replacement fertility rate has been maintained since 2005. The labor and employment situation in 2022 recovered positively but tend to slow down in the fourth quarter of 2022. The labor force, the number of employed people, and the average monthly income of employees in the fourth quarter of 2022 increased compared to the previous quarter and the same period last year, but the unemployment rate and underemployment rate of the labor force in age increased compared to the previous quarter due to some businesses having difficulties in production and business, orders were cut at the end of the year.

The country’s average population in 2022 was estimated at 99.46 million people, an increase of 955.5 thousand people, equivalent to an increase of 0.97% compared to 2021. In total, the urban population was 37.09 million people, accounting for 37.3%; the rural population was 62.37 million people, accounting for 62.7%; men 49.61 million people, accounting for 49.9%; women 49.85 million people, accounting for 50.1%. The sex ratio of the population in 2022 was 99.5 males/100 females.

According to the results of the Population Change and Family Planning Survey in 2022, the total fertility rate in 2022 reached 2.01 children/woman. The sex ratio at birth was 112 boys/100 girls; the crude birth rate was 14.9‰; the crude death rate was 7‰. The Infant mortality rate (Infant deaths per 1,000 live births) was 12.1‰. The under-five mortality rate (Under five deaths per 1,000 live births) was 18.9‰. The average life expectancy at birth in 2022 was 73.6 years old, of which 71.1 years old for men and 76.4 years old for women.

The country’s labor force aged 15 and over in the fourth quarter of 2022 was estimated at 52.1 million people, an increase of 0.3 million people compared to the previous quarter and an increase of 1.4 million people over the same period last year. In general, in 2022, the labor force aged 15 and over was 51.7 million people, an increase of 1.1 million people compared to the previous year. The labor force participation rate in 2022 was estimated at 68.5%, up 0.7 percentage points over the previous year.

Employed laborers aged 15 and over in the fourth quarter of 2022 were estimated at 51 million people, an increase of 239.4 thousand people compared to the previous quarter, including 14.1 million people working in agriculture, forestry, and forestry. aquatic products, accounting for 27.7% of the total; industry and construction sector 17 million people, accounting for 33.2%; service sector 19.9 million people, accounting for 39.1%. In general, this year, laborers aged 15 and over are working 50.6 million people, including 13.9 million people working in agriculture, forestry, and fishery, down 2.5% compared to the previous year last year; the industry and construction sector 17 million people, up 4.5%; service sector was 19.7 million people, up 6.1%.

The unemployment rate of working age in the fourth quarter of 2022 was estimated at 2.32%, up 0.04 percentage points over the previous quarter and down 1.24 percentage points over the same period last year. In general, in 2022, the unemployment rate of working age was 2.32%, of which the urban area was 2.79%; the rural area was 2.03%.

The youth unemployment rate (aged 15-24) in the fourth quarter of 2022 was 7.7%, down 0.32 percentage points compared to the previous quarter and down 1.08 percentage points over the same period last year. The youth unemployment rate (from 15-24 years old) in 2022 was estimated at 7.72%, of which the urban area was 9.7%; the rural area was 6.68%.

The underemployment rate of workers in the fourth quarter of 2022 was 1.98%, up 0.06 percentage points compared to the previous quarter and down 1.39 percentage points over the same period last year. In general, in 2022, the underemployment rate of working age was estimated at 2.21%, of which the underemployment rate in urban areas was 1.7%; the underemployment rate in rural areas was 2.51%.

The rate of workers with informal jobs outside of households in agriculture, forestry, and fishery [43] in the first quarter of 2022 was 56.2%; the second quarter was 55.6%; the third quarter was 54.1% and the fourth quarter was estimated at 54.6%. In general, in 2022, the proportion of workers with informal employment outside of households in agriculture, forestry, and the fishery was estimated at 54.9%, of which 46.5% was in urban areas in 2022 and in the agricultural sector 61.9% (in 2021, respectively, 56.2%; 48%; 63.3%).

The average monthly income of wage workers in the fourth quarter of 2022 was 7.7 million VND/month, up 71 thousand VND compared to the previous quarter and 1.6 million VND higher than the same period last year, of which: The income of male employees was 8.1 million VND/month, female employees were 7.1 million VND/month. In general, in 2022, the average monthly income of salaried workers was estimated at 7.5 million VND/month, an increase of 992 thousand VND compared to the previous year.

2. Residential life and social security assurance

According to preliminary results of the Household Living Standards Survey in 2022, the living conditions of the population are improving day by day. The average income per person in 2022 was estimated at 4.6 million VND/person/month, up 9.5% compared to 2021. Rate of assessment with income in the month remained unchanged and increased compared to the previous month was 90,5%. The rate of assessment with income in the month remained unchanged and increased compared to the same month in 2021 was 85,5%; The rate of assessment with income reduction was 14,5% due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and disaster. Multidimensional Poverty Index was estimated about 3.6%, down 0,8 percentage points over the year 2021.

In 2022, 23,5% of households get help from different sources. Specifically, the percentage of households receiving assistance from general national programs and policies was 9.5%; from relatives, relatives was 11.8%; from local programs and policies was 8.7%; from charitable activities of other organizations and individuals was 4.9% from other sources was 0.1%.

According to the report of the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, as of 30/11/2022 the support package under Resolution No. 11/NQ-CP has disbursed about 3.74 trillion VND to support nearly 123 thousand enterprises with 5.3 million employees. Of which, supporting 3,213.6 billion VND for 4.82 million employees working in more than 94 thousand enterprises; supporting 527.2 billion VND for nearly 451 thousand employees returning to the labor market at 29 thousand enterprises. In addition, in order to ensure that people do not suffer from food shortages, from the beginning of the year, the Government issued a total of more than 24.8 thousand tons of rice to support 492.5 thousand households with 1.6 million people. Of which: Nearly 14 thousand tons of rice support 291.7 thousand households with 930.6 thousand people in the Nham Dan Tet holiday; 10.4 thousand tons of rice for 192.4 thousand households with 691.4 thousand people in between-crop; 432.7 tons of rice support disaster consequences and recovery for 8.4 households with 28.9 thousand people.

Periodic social security work and sustainable poverty reduction continue to receive attention and direction, and localities have implemented many synchronous solutions to take care of poor households. In 2022, the total value of money and gifts to support objects was more than 14.4 trillion VND. In Which, support for people with meritorious services, and family members of people with meritorious services was 4.7 trillion VND, support for poor and near-poor households was  2.4 trillion VND; support for hunger relief for social protection beneficiaries under Decree No. 20/2021/ND-CP dated March 15, 2021, was more than 2.7 trillion VND; supporting the sudden, unusual and outstanding situation arising in the locality was nearly 4.6 trillion VND. There were nearly 29.8 million social insurance cards/books/cards for free medical examination and treatment distributed and donated to beneficiaries.

According to data from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development as of November 29, 2022, there were 5,869/8,225 communes (accounting for 71.4%) meeting new rural standards; 937 communes met the newly enhanced rural standards; 110 communes meet the new model rural standard; the national average reached 17.1 criteria/commune; 255 district-level units in 58 provinces and centrally-run cities completed their tasks/reached new rural standards (reaching 39.6% of the country’s districts) and 18 provinces had 100% of communes meeting new rural standards.

3. Education and training

With the theme “Unity, creativity, striving to fulfill the tasks and goals of innovation, consolidating and improving the quality of education and training” of the 2022-2023 school year, the education sector focused on implementing a number of key tasks such as: perfecting institutions, strengthening political and ideological education, developing a contingent of teachers and educational administrators; attracting and effectively using investment resources for education; effectively implement the program of nursery education, general education, and continuing education, improve the capacity of the university education system; promote digital transformation and administrative reform in the whole industry; strengthen international integration, strengthen inspection, examination and education communication; to step up the implementation of emulation movements in the whole industry and at the same time actively prevent combat and effectively respond to natural disasters and epidemics.

In the 2022-2023 school year, there were 15,329 kindergartens nationwide, an increase of 9 schools compared to the previous school year; 26,085 high general schools, down 124 schools. About 353.7 thousand teachers kindergartens teachers directly teaching, up 4 thousand teachers; the number of general school teachers directly teaching was 807.5 thousand teachers, a decrease of 5 thousand teachers. Also in this school year, the whole country has nearly 4.9 million kindergartens children, up 7.9% compared to the 2021-2022 school year, and 18.1 million general school pupils, up 1.2%, including 9.2 million primary school pupils, equivalent to the number of primary school students of the previous school year; more than 6 million Lower secondary pupils, up 2.2% and nearly 2.9 million Upper secondary pupils, up 2.6%.

In 2022, the number of vocational education institutions was reviewed, arranged and planned according to the roadmap. As of December 2022, there were 1,905 vocational education institutions, including 412 colleges; 435 intermediate schools and 1,058 vocational education centers. In 2022, in 2022, enrolling 2,430 persons, reaching 116.5% of the plan, of which: 530 thousand persons enrolled at college and intermediate level, reaching 100%; elementary level and other vocational training programs enrolled 1,900 thousand persons, reaching 122.1 In 2022, the number of students graduating from vocational training classes was 2,096 thousand people, reaching 114,9% of the set target, of which: College and the intermediate level was 346 thousand people, reaching 100%; elementary level and other training programs was 1,750 thousand people, reaching 118.4%.

4. Epidemic diseases and food poisoning

According to the report of the Ministry of Health, in the month (November 19 – December 18, 2022), there were 50.6 thousand cases of hemorrhagic fever (21 deaths); 4,187 cases of hand, foot, and mouth disease; 29 cases of virus encephalitis (03 deaths); 01 case of meningococcal disease; 57 cases of scarlet fever suspected for measles. Generally, In 2022, there were 354.3 thousand cases of hemorrhagic fever (133 deaths); 66.6 thousand cases of hand, foot, and mouth disease (03 deaths); 298 cases of virus encephalitis (08 deaths); 13 cases of meningococcal disease (01 death); 357 cases of scarlet fever suspected for measles.

In the world, the forecast of the Covid-19 epidemic is still unpredictable[44]. The World Health Organization (WHO) continues to warn about the circulation of more than 500 sub-variants of Omicron. In Vietnam, the Ministry of Health requires specialized agencies to continue closely monitoring the epidemic situation, especially the appearance of new variants of the Covid-19 pandemic, proactively developing scenarios and response plans, and deploying to deal with all possible situations of the epidemic. From the first case of Covid-19 in Vietnam on January 23, 2020, to December 28, 2022, there were more than 11.5 million cases have been reported, of which 10.6 million have been cured and 43.2 thousand cases of deaths.

The progress of Covid-19 vaccination continues to be accelerated to ensure safety, science, and effectiveness. From March 8, 2021, to December 26, 2022, the total number of doses of the Covid-19 vaccine that have been administered was 265.4 million doses, of which the first dose was 90.4 million doses; the second dose was 85.8 million doses; additional doses 14.5 million doses; the first booster dose 57.4 million doses; The second booster dose 17.3 million doses.

The total number of people living with HIV nationwide as of December 18, 2022, was 222.4 thousand persons and the number of deaths by HIV/AIDS as of the above time-point was 112.6 thousand persons.

In December 2022, there were 08 cases of food poisoning with 758 persons poisoned (04 deaths). In 2022, there were 54 cases of food poisoning with 1,359 persons poisoned (18 deaths).

5. Cultural and sports activities

The management, protection, and promotion of cultural heritage values are concerned and implemented by localities. The movement “All people unite to build a cultural life” continues to be widely deployed across the country, creating a healthy cultural environment, and helping people have conditions to improve their quality of life. The construction of the grassroots cultural environment is focused on cultural, sports, and art events organized to meet the people’s demand for cultural enjoyment.

Mass physical training and sports activities continued to be promoted and improved in association with the campaign “All people exercise their body following the great Uncle Ho’s example”, launching “Olympic Running Day for the health of the whole people”; instructing the whole people to practice swimming to prevent drowning. Organized 35 sports competitions, national mass sports competitions attracting nearly 12,000 officials, and athletes and 16 training courses on physical training and sports skills for 2,162 officials, coaches, and grassroots sports collaborators.

Vietnam’s high-performance sports in 2022 focused on training and training high-achieving athletes to participate in regional, continental, and world sports tournaments. Maintaining training for teams, especially the national youth team, summoned 2,456 athletes, 517 coaches, 27 experts, and 90 doctors and nurses. In the country, 122 sports tournaments and 25 training courses for referees and sports coaches have been organized.

In 2022, the Vietnamese sports delegation excellently won 903 medals, of which: 374 were gold medals, 259 silver medals, and 270 bronze medals. In particular, Vietnam has successfully completed the task of the host country hosting the 31st SEA Games, ranked first in the whole delegation with outstanding medals, breaking 21/41 records at the Games. In the Southeast Asian Para Games (ASEAN Para Games 11), the Vietnamese sports delegation participated and won 3rd place out of 11 with 65 gold medals, 62 silver medals, and 56 bronze medals.

After the success of the 31st SEA Games and the 11th ASEAN Para Games, the 9th National Sports Congress in 2022 is also an outstanding event to comprehensively evaluate the sport movement nationwide. The Games took place in 11 provinces and centrally-run cities from December 9 to December 21, 2022, competing 933 sets of medals in 43 sports with 53 national records, 96 congress records established.

6. Traffic accidents [45]

In December (from November 15th to December 14th, 2022), there were 1,125 traffic accidents nationwide, including 757 traffic accidents of less serious or more serious, and 368 traffic collision cases, causing 564 people deaths, 463 injuries, and 392 people minor injuries. Compared with the previous month, the number of traffic accidents increased by 1.3% (the number of traffic accidents of less serious or more serious increased by 1.3%, and the number of traffic collisions increased by 1.1%) the number of dead people down 2.6%; the number of injured people up 5.2% and the number of minor injuries down 0.3%. Over the same period last year, the number of traffic accidents in December was down 16.2% (the number of traffic accidents of less serious or more serious was down 12.5%, and the number of traffic collisions was down 22.9%); the number of deaths was down 13.9%; the number of injured people down 3.5% and the number of minor injuries down 17.8%.

In general, in 2022, there were 11,448 traffic accidents nationwide, including 7,934 traffic accidents of less serious or more and 3,514 traffic collisions, causing 6,364 deaths and 4,215 people injuries, and 3,613 people were slightly injured. Compared to last year, the number of traffic accidents decreased by 0.3% (the number of traffic accidents of less serious or more serious was up 6.8%; the number of traffic collisions was down by 13.3%); the number of deaths was up 9.9%; the number of injured people up 7.9% and the number of minor injuries down 12.1%. On average, on one day in 2022, nationwide, there were 31 traffic accidents, including 22 traffic accidents of less serious or more and 9 traffic collisions, causing 17 people deaths, 12 people injured, and 10 people with minor injuries.

7. Damage caused by natural disasters[46]

Natural disasters occurred in the month mainly due to the influence of heavy rain, storm, and drought causing 07 deaths; 01 injured;  265 houses collapsed, washed away, and damaged; 540 hectares of paddy and 2.8 thousand hectares of crops were damaged; total value of property damage in the month was estimated at 185.2 billion VND, down 85.4% compared to last year. In 2022, disasters made 169 people dead and missing, 282 people injured; 38,2 houses collapsed, swept away; nearly 756 thousand cattle and poultry died; 218.1 thousand hectares of paddy 66.2 thousand hectares of crops were damaged; total value of property damage was estimated at more than 14.2 trillion VND, 2.9 times higher in 2021.

8. Environmental protection and fire and explosion prevention

In December 2022, according to a report from provincial statistical offices, the authorities discovered 1,433 cases of environmental violations, of which 1,214 cases were handled with a total fine of nearly 25.1 billion VND, up 16.8% over the previous month and up 66.1% over the same period last year. In general, this year,  21,122 cases of environmental violations were detected, of which 18,374 cases were handled with a total fine of 269 billion VND, up 11.7% compared to last year.

During the month[47], there were 174 fires and explosions in the whole country, killing 8 people and injuring 15 others, The damage was estimated at more than 21.1 billion VND, up 54.5% over the previous month and up 19.6% over the same period last year. This year, 1,764 fires and explosions in the whole country, killing 122 people and injuring 112 people, with an estimated damage of 602.3 billion VND, up 60.9% compared to last year.

In summary, in the context of the world’s economic and political situation with unusual fluctuations with many difficulties and challenges, our country’s social and economic activities in 2022 have achieved remarkable results. It is thanks to the participation of the whole political system, the timely, drastic, and close direction and administration of the Government, the Prime Minister, and the efforts of all levels, branches, and localities, the business community, and the people of the country. Our country’s economy was estimated at an 8.02% growth rate, this is a high growth rate compared to other countries in the region and the world. The macro-economy was stable, inflation was controlled at an appropriate level. Supply and demand for essential goods were ensured, and goods procurement, consumption, and export activities increased. The agriculture, forestry, and fishery sector maintained a stable growth rate, affirming that the program to restructure production and improve product quality has brought into full play its effectiveness, ensuring the supply of food, and commodities essential for stabilizing people’s lives and increasing exports. The processing and manufacturing industry’s production activities continue to play an important role in promoting economic growth. The progress of disbursement of public investment capital has improved markedly, the growth rate of investment capital made from the State budget has reached a high level, and social security has been paid attention to.

However, besides the achieved results, entering the year 2023, our country’s economy and society will face many difficulties and challenges, especially Vietnam’s economy has a large openness, so it will be affected by many impacts multifaceted. Meanwhile, the world economy is increasing the possibility of recession and instability; rapid and unpredictable changes in the economy, politics, and military; Natural disasters are difficult to predict. To promptly have solutions to overcome, and at the same time take the initiative to take advantage of opportunities to achieve the highest results of socio-economic development goals in 2023, creating strong development momentum for the following years. Along with maintaining a stable socio-economic development environment, ensuring safety and convenience for people’s lives and production and business activities to create an important foundation for development, it is necessary to focus on some key points following:

Firstly, closely monitor the world development situations, and fiscal and monetary policies of countries and regions with large economies that are Vietnam’s main trading and investment partners; proactively have a plan to promptly respond to arising situations; regularly update the situation to have a timely response to maintain the stability and growth of the economy in the coming year.

Secondly, actively and flexibly manage monetary policy, stabilize exchange rates and interest rates; control prices, and markets; ensuring the supply of goods and major balances of the economy. Having solutions to limit the hoarding of foreign currencies and transferring assets in VND into foreign currencies. Balancing the supply and demand, stabilizing prices of essential items, especially on holidays and Tet.

Thirdly, ministries, sectors, and localities have drastic solutions to implement and disburse public investment capital, and quickly and effectively implement tasks and investment projects under the Economic Recovery and Development Program in the year 2023. Accelerate the completion and implementation of master plans, and strengthen regional linkages to create synchronism, new space, and new impetus for the development of socio-economic regions as well as localities in the region.

Fourthly, boost domestic production, especially raw materials, fuel, and input materials, and plan raw material areas for production to proactively supply. Effectively implement trade promotion activities, connect supply and demand, remove barriers, create favorable conditions for domestic consumption and export of agricultural, forestry, and fishery products; diversify markets and export goods. Timely adjustment of policies to increase the attraction of high-quality foreign direct investment. Strongly deploying programs and solutions to promote domestic consumption.

Fifthly, continue to strengthen disease prevention and control; proactively plan for disaster prevention, warning of rain, floods, landslides, impacts of drought, and saltwater intrusion to minimize damage to production and people’s lives. Effectively implement policies on social security, labor, and employment; unscheduled assistance, ensuring that people in danger or disaster receive timely support, overcome difficulties, and stabilize their lives.

Sixthly, improve the effectiveness of direction and administration of branches and levels; tighten discipline and administrative discipline in state management in all fields; strictly observe working regulations and disciplining statements; publicity, transparency, and creating an equal business and production environment. Strengthen information, prevent and destroy bad and untrue information that confuses people, and propagate beautiful images about the country and people of Vietnam.


[1] GDP growth rate in the fourth quarter of 2011-2019 2019 compared to the same period last year was: 7.04%; 5.99%; 6.38%; 7.29%; 7.38%; 7.50%; 8.18%; 7.78%; 7.52% respectively.

[2] GDP in the first quarter increased by 5.05% over the same period last year; the second quarter increased by 7.83%; the third quarter increased by 13.71%; the fourth quarter increased by 5.92%.

[3] GDP growth rates for the years 2011-2022 were: 6.41%; 5.50%; 5.55%; 6.42%; 6.99%; 6.69%; 6.94%; 7.47%; 7.36%; 2.87%; 2.56%; 8.02% respectively.

[4] The growth rate of added value in the service sector in the years 2011-2022 compared to the previous year were: 7.65%; 7.03%; 6.82%; 7.31%; 7.05%; 7.46%; 7.12%; 7.46%; 8.08%; 2.01%; 1.57%; 9.99%, respectively.

[5] The added value of accommodation and catering services in 2021 compared to the previous year decreased by 20.21%.

[6] The added value of the health sector and social assistance activities in 2021 compared to the previous year increased by 41.01%.

[7] Average central exchange rate in 2022 (as of December 23, 2022, of the State Bank of Vietnam): 1 USD = 23,271.9 VND.

[8] Labor productivity in 2021 reached 172.8 million VND/ employee, up 4.6% over the previous year

[9] According to the Report of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development as of 15/12/2022.

[10] http://agromonitor.vn/group/48/280/giam-sat-gia: Pangasius from 0.8 kg to 1.0 kg/fish at the end of the first quarter of 2022, fluctuates in the range of 27,000-29,000 VND/kg; There was a time when the price of pangasius exceeded 32,000-33,000 VND/kg, in mid-December 2022, fluctuated in the range of 28,000-29,000 VND/kg, an average of about 10,000 VND/kg higher than the same period in 2021.

[11] The growth rate of industrial value added in the quarters of 2022 compared to the same period last year were: 7.16%; 9.51%; 11.06% and 3.6% respectively.

[12] The growth rate of the added value of the processing and manufacturing industry in the quarters of 2022 compared to the same period last year were: 7.85%; 11.07%; 11.58%; 2.98%, respectively.

[13] The IIP index in the first quarter of 2022 increased by 6.8% over the same period last year; over the same period last year; the second quarter of 2022 increased by 9.8%; the third quarter of 2022 increased by 10.9%; the fourth quarter increased by 3%, respectively.

[14] Much higher than the growth rate of 2020 (3.3%), and 2021 (4.7%) but lower than 2018 (10.1%) and 2019 (9.1%), respectively.

[15]  Localities have high production index of the processing and manufacturing industry in 2022 compared to the previous year: Bac Giang increased by 33.1%; Can Tho increased by 35.4%; Vinh Long increased by 26.3%; Khanh Hoa increased by 22.7%; Binh Phuoc increased by 21.1%; Quang Nam increased by 18.9%. Localities with a high index of electricity production and distribution: Dien Bien up 52.6%; Kon Tum up 37.5%; Son La up 24.2%; Lai Chau increased by 21%.

[16]  Localities with a minor increase or decrease in the production index of the processing and manufacturing industry in 2022 compared to the previous year: Ca Mau increased by 6.9%; Bac Ninh increased by 6%; Da Nang increased by 5.4%; Ninh Binh increased by 4.5%; Dak Nong increased by 0.03%; Ha Tinh fell 14.1%. Localities with the index of electricity production and distribution in 2022 decreased compared to the previous year: Tra Vinh decreased by 35.2%; Ha Tinh decreased by 29.4%; Binh Thuan down 3.2%; Quang Ninh fell 2.7%. Localities with the mining industry in 2022 compared to the previous year increased or decreased: Ba Ria – Vung Tau increased by 3.1%; Ninh Binh down 7.6%; Ca Mau down 6.5%; Ha Tinh down 5%; Dak Nong fell 1.8%.

[17] Source: National Enterprise Registration Information System, Business Registration Management Agency, Ministry of Planning and Investment on 26th December 2022.

[18] Corresponding index of the third quarter in 2022: 38.6% of enterprises rated their business and production situation as better than the previous quarter; 36% of enterprises said that the business and production situation was stable and 25.4% of enterprises rated that it was difficult compared to the previous quarter.

[19] Corresponding indexes of the third quarter of 2022: 39.1% of enterprises had orders increasing compared to the previous quarter; 35.3% of businesses had stable orders and 25.6% of businesses had reduced orders.

[20] Corresponding index of the third quarter in 2022: 35% of enterprises had orders increasing compared to the previous quarter; 39% of businesses had stable orders and 26% of businesses had reduced orders.

[21] According to the report of the Ministry of Science and Technology sent on December 22, 2022.

[22] Coordinate with localities to organize Regional Techfests such as Techfest Lang Son, Techfest Son La-Lai Chau, Techfest Khanh Hoa, Can Tho, Dong Nai, Hai Phong, and Vinh Phuc.

[23] Organizing the National Innovation and Start-up Day in 2022 with the theme “Open Innovation – Opening New Thinking” in Binh Duong. At the event, there was also a ceremony to award the Champion, Quarterly, and Runner-up for the national Techfest project. The team of FINA Co., Ltd. won the Champion award, successfully passed 4 rounds of competition with 500 enterprises, represented Vietnam to participate in the Startup WorldCup; signed a ceremony of a cooperation agreement between the Market Development Department and S&T enterprises with Becamex IDC Corporation on developing innovation startup ecosystem and supporting industrial digital transformation.

[24] https://dichvucong.gov.vn/p/home/dvc-dich-vu-cong-truc-tuyen.html

[25] https://www.globalinnovationindex.org/home

[26] According to the report of the Border Gate Department, the Border Guard Command, the Ministry of National Defense and the Immigration Department, the Ministry of Public Security.

[27] The reporting period was from 21/11/2022 to 20/12/2022.

[28] According to a report of the Vietnam Bank For Social Policies on 26/12/2022.

[29] The growth rate in VND.

[30] According to the report of the Foreign Investment Department, Ministry of Planning and Investment received on 22/12/2021.

[31] Vietnam Oil and Gas Group reduced nearly 1.2 billion USD of investment capital for oil and gas exploration and development projects in Russia

[32] State budget revenue and expenditure balance report up to December 28, 2022, of the Ministry of Finance.

[33] The value of export turnover is calculated at the F.O.B price and the value of import turnover is calculated at the C.I.F price (including transportation and insurance costs of imported goods).

[34] Data for December 2022 provided by the General Department of Customs on December 28, 2022

[35] Total export and import turnover in 2021 reached 669 billion USD, went up 22.7% over last year, of which exports reached 336.2 billion USD, which increased by 18.9%; imports reached 332.8 billion USD, went up 26.7%.

[36] The trade surplus in November 2022 was estimated at 0.78 billion USD.

[37] In which, the price of cigarettes increased by 0.37%; wine prices of all kinds increased by 0.44%; beer prices increased by 0.62%.

[38] The price of the rice group increased by 0.27%. Besides, the increase in input material prices affected the prices of processed food items such as bread price, which increased by 0.56% compared to the previous month; corn flour by 0.35%; vermicelli by 0.54%; instant noodles, noodles, pho, and instant porridge increased by 1.24%; instant cereals increased by 0.22%.

[39] The price of fresh, dried, and processed vegetables increased by 1.97% due to less rain in the Northern provinces and cold weather while in the Central provinces, a lot of rain caused many vegetables to grow slowly and pests to develop, so the output vegetables reduced; price of fresh seafood increased by 0.35% and processed seafood increased by 0.46% due to increased consumer demand at the end of the year; the price of canned meat and other processed meat increased by 0.26% and 0.17% respectively due to increased demand on holidays and Tet holidays; edible fats and other fats increased by 0.03%. In the opposite direction, the price of cattle meat decreased by 1.1%, of which the price of pork continued to decrease by 1.59% (making the overall CPI decrease by 0.05 percentage points) due to increased supply while the purchasing power of food the population is not high, many enterprises have difficulties to reduce production scale, so the number of employees decreases, the consumption of pork in industrial zones decreases; beef price down 0.12%; the price of animal organs decreased by 0.26%; the price of fresh poultry meat decreased by 0.38%; prices of all kinds of eggs decreased by 0.16%; prices of fresh and processed fruit decreased by 0.06%.

[40] CPI after excluding food, fresh food, energy, and goods managed by the State including health services and education.

[41] Merchandise export price index/ Merchandise import price index.

[42] The total fertility rate for the years 2018-2022 was: 2.05 children/woman; 2.09 children/woman; 2.12 children/woman; 2.11 children/woman; 2.01 children/woman, respectively.

[43] Employed laborers in the informal economy in non-agricultural activities include those who do not work in agriculture, forestry, and fisheries and belong to one of the following three groups: (i) wage earners in the formal sector who are not entitled to enter into a labor contract or to be entered into a labor contract with the definite term but not paid compulsory social insurance by employers; family labor in establishments in the formal sector and cooperative members who do not have compulsory social insurance; (ii) owners of establishments, self-employed workers, wage earners and family labor in establishments in the informal sector; (iii) self-employed workers for self-consumption of households and hired labor in households.

[44] From the end of December 2019 to December 28, 2022, in the world, there were 662.7 million cases of Covid-19 (6.7 million deaths).

[45] According to a quick report from the Office of the Ministry of Public Security and the Maritime Administration (Ministry of Transport) on December 23rd, 2022.

[46] Summary of reports from 63 Departments of Agriculture and Rural Development, reporting period from November 19th to December 18th, 2022.

[47] According to a quick report from the Ministry of Public Security on December 23, 2022.

The status of wastewater treatment and environmental protection in Vietnam and lessons from Denmark

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Press conference to announce socio-economic statistics fourth quarter and 2022

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2023 IAOS Prize for Young Statisticians

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Vietnam’s GDP revision poses no change to short-term state budgetary strategy

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